Hungry Zealots - Eastern Mirror
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Hungry Zealots

By The Editorial Team Updated: May 25, 2017 11:46 pm

Not only Ariana Grande, we are also shattered and pained. Terrorism has struck once again. This time, the dastardly act of a suicide bomber took away 22 innocent and valuable lives. Fault of the deceased was to visit Manchester Arena for a concert. While enjoying the music, they were handed over deaths by the enemies of mankind. No word can express the grief and anguish of every peace loving citizen of this world over the incident. The tragic incident reflects the cruel mindset of its perpetrators, it was barbaric. Brains behind the massacre should not be shown any mercy. They should be punished in such a manner that in future being afraid of the consequences, these ‘death merchants’ should not have enough courage even to think of such a heinous crime.

But before an all out war against terrorism, we need to introspect. We have to find answers to some very important and relevant questions. Are we really sincere in removing this menace from its roots? Why after so many years of the 9/11 attack in USA or 26/11 attack in Mumbai, the world has failed to stand united against terrorism? Where from the terrorists are getting funds and arms? What will be our stand against those nations who are providing safe havens to terrorists groups? When will we be able to erase the economic disparity so that youths do not become easy prey to the terror-mongers? Are we discriminating against any particular religion while combating the menace called terrorism?

To be honest, we must admit that neither we are sincere in tackling terrorism, nor we are united. Today, terrorism is threatening the very existence of civilization. But the world is yet to launch a combined effort to confront this menace. We are divided in groups. When a country is affected by terrorism, we just wash our hands by extending few formal words of sympathy and togetherness. Even, at times, advices of United Nations had been ignored. It appears that few powerful countries are interested in fighting this war alone to settle their personal scores. Best example of such an act is evident from America’s approach to Pakistan. The country sheltered Osama Bin Laden. Pakistan’s ISI is hand in glove with various terrorist outfits. Yet, to use its soil to teach Talibans a lesson USA has not declared Pakistan a ‘terrorist state’. Rather, the super power of the world is offering all sorts of help to please Pakistan. Should we continue to ignore the fact that Pakistan is the nursery of terrorism, because it suits America’s interest? If we continue with such a partial attitude, one can be rest assured that we will never be able to win against terrorism. Similarly, we have not taken any measure to remove economic disparity. Developed nations should not act as ‘big brothers’ towards the poor countries. One should remember that hunger is the main cause for the rise of terrorism. Religious fanatics are simply using it to further their interests. So while the preachers of terrorism should be punished, those who have fallen prey to them should not be treated in the same manner. We have to win back the misguided youths. Winning the youths back is more important than applying force to win this battle.

By The Editorial Team Updated: May 25, 2017 11:46:02 pm
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