Human Mind In Discernment Of God - Eastern Mirror
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Human mind in discernment of God

By EMN Updated: Apr 05, 2016 12:47 am

Thepfulhouvi Solo

The Human Mind has Six principal Senses: i. Sight, ii. Hearing, iii. Taste, iv. Smell v. Touch and very importantly vi. Intelligence, in addition of the Human Mind to discern what is Right or what is wrong and to perceive Ethical Values that transcends the Physical.
Humans have been able to now put all these faculties into Robot and today the Robot has become more intelligent than Man.
While writing this Piece, I forgot the name of one of this century’s most Intelligent Humans today. He is deaf, dumb and completely invalid to do any of his basic bodily needs and a Computer interprets his communications in a phony voice. Try as I might, I could not recover his name from the memory box in my head. The computer of my brain ‘crashed’ and I could not force it to recover the name of Stephen Hawkins from my memory box. It is said that within the not distant future, the memory in the brain could be downloaded into the Computer!
AI (Artificial Intelligence) of a Robot can now do recovery of Memory in millionth of a second faster than Man’s Brain. AI can also do so many other wonderful things much faster than Man that Hawkins once remarked AI may put an end to ‘Human Civilization’.
Within a short time some advanced Governments may ban Human driving of Vehicles and make Robots do the job but a speeding Robot driven Car cannot decide killing a stray Dog suddenly appeared in the Road and save serious accident of a School Bus full of small Children going to School.
An interesting real incident is told of one of my son’s South Indian friends, a Kerelian named Mathaiya Alias and the Bank refusing to release his money electronically because his name ends include the word ‘Alias’. He had to personally go to the Bank and settle the matter with the Officials.
The same is said to have happened to one named Mrs. Dull; a story is told of sophisticated Germany of a Man’s Car refusing to obey the command of its Owner to open its door because the quality of his voice has changed due to his suffering from a sore Throat of Influenza!
The Human Mind and Intelligence are different. AI cannot differentiate Right or wrong; it can not evaluate the relative value of a School Bus full small children of in the busy Street from that of a stray Dog ignorant of Traffic Rules.
In our pursuit of God, We use our Senses of Hearing, of Sight principally, but less of our Intelligence and very little of our Mind.
It is interesting to note the Apostles Saw Jesus by Sight with their Eyes,Heard him by their Ears, Touched him personally with their Fingers, Sniffedhis body Odors with their Nose, Tasted what he Ate but perceived him with much less Intelligence and almost with none of their Mind for a long time.
Jesus told the Pharisees and the Religious Leaders that they can foretell the kind of weather to come the nest day by looking at the Sky today but could not perceive the Son of Man by the examples and signs of his Life.
Evangelist John advises Believers to Study the Spirit carefully first whether it is from God or the Evil one before accepting it gullibly.
Saul, one of the most educated Lawyer of the Jews of the time -a qualified student of then acclaimed Jewish Teacher Gamaliel- could not interpret with his Intelligence the countless the implications of the Messiah written in the Scripture he knew so thoroughly, to mean Jesus. Saul now Paul heard Jesus and even saw him, but his Intelligence could not comprehend Jesus the Messiah.
He saw it only when he became blind and then taught the Revelation of Jesus with foolishness and not with Intelligence of the time.
Man is very gullible:
i. Because every one of us is lazy and want to Rest our Mind avoiding time taking cumbersome Enquiry.
ii. Because we think we are Intelligent and think we understand the ‘things of the world’, but gullibly accept all of what is traditionally said by the Teachers because we are lazy for laborious personal Scrutiny.
iii. And because we believe things said repeatedly even if it were a lie.
Our Intelligence can not ourselves take us to God because no one can lead himself or others to Him unless God himself chooses. He has given us the Human Mind to comprehend his Words, accept them and live according to his Son’s Commandments. The Human Mind is infinitely more discerning than its Intelligence.
If we are Christians, we are to follow what He has said through His Son though we have not Seen, Heard, Touched, Tasted or Sniffed Him but pursue Him with our Mind, -the Gift of life He has given every Man and Woman- to do his Commandments; if not, we are not Christians downright.

By EMN Updated: Apr 05, 2016 12:47:33 am
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