Here Are The Details Of The Official Valorant Patch Notes 1.11 - Eastern Mirror
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Here are the details of the official Valorant patch notes 1.11

By Tekato Longkumer Updated: Oct 27, 2020 9:56 pm
Skye riot games
Credit: Riot Games.

Dimapur, Oct. 27 (EMN): In a routine bi-weekly patch update, Riot Games have released the new Valorant patch notes 1.11 exactly 14 days after it had released patch 1.10.

The new agent – Skye, arrives on the live servers with the new update. Skye is listed by Riot games as an initiator agent but her abilities suggest she will be used in a more supporting role.

Apart from the new agent, the patch brings some quality of life changes, an update to the in-game economy, balance changes for other agents, a new map and a new left-handed view model.

valorant left handed view
Credit: Riot Games.

Skye’s full list of abilities

Trailblazer: Equip a Tasmanian tiger trinket. Fire to send out and take control of the predator. While in control, Fire to leap forward, exploding in a concussive blast and damaging directly hit enemies.

Guiding Light: Equip a hawk trinket. Fire to send it forward. Hold fire to guide the hawk in the direction of your crosshair. Re-use while the hawk is in flight to transform it into a flash that plays a hit confirm if an enemy was within range and in line of sight.

Regrowth: Equip a healing trinket. Hold fire to channel, healing allies in range and line of sight. Can be reused until her healing pool is depleted. Skye cannot heal herself.

Seekers (Ultimate Ability): Equip a Seeker trinket. Fire to send out three Seekers to track down the three closest enemies. If a Seeker reaches its target, it near sights them.

The new patch adds a new map called Icebox to the game which will be made available in competitive matchmaking and also introduces some balance tweaks for other Valorant agents. Breach will receive a small buff while Killjoy and Cypher will see a nerf to their kit.


Valorant Patch 1.11 official notes

Valorant Agent Updates

Skye will be available for use in official esports competition (e.g., First Strike) after two weeks in the competitive queue (November 9, barring any issues)

Full flash time increased from 1.75 >>> 2

Trapwire: Disabled and revealed upon death.
Spy Camera: Disabled and revealed upon death.

Deactivation Range: Alarmbot and Turret now deactivate if she is more than 40m away from them—reentering the 40m range reactivates her little friends.
Turret: Cooldown after pickup reduced from 20 seconds >>> 10 seconds.
Alarmbot: Range at which Alarmbot can be detected decreased from 9m >>> 7mCooldown after pickup reduced from 20 seconds >>> 7 seconds.
Nanoswarm: Range at which Nanoswarm can be detected decreased from 5m >>> 3.5mDamage increased from 40/s >>> 45/sDamage now ticks smoother and faster while in Nanoswarm, instead of in chunks of 10 every ¼ of a second.

· Icebox enters the Competitive map rotation.
· Shorter Unrated queue times for the highest-rank players.
· Added location of the current gamepod to the loading screen for all modes.
· Adjusted Combat Score to factor in non-damaging assists.

“Play Out All Rounds” option now available in custom game lobby options

Updates to Economy Ruleset
· Attackers who lose but survive the entire round without planting the Spike receive a reduced number of credits (1,000).
· Defenders who lose but survive the entire round after the Spike has detonated also receive reduced credits (1,000).
· Dying to the Spike will no longer count as a death in KDA statistics.
· Additional economic information added as a tooltip when hovering over the exclamation mark next to “Min Next Round” in the shop.
Other Changes
· Minor improvements to observer flashed indicator.
· New setting for observers: ‘Show Player Keybinds on Map.’
· New Custom Game Option: ‘Play Out All Rounds.’

· Left-handed view model is now available for players. Players can swap their first-person view-model to lefthanded by going to the settings menu and swapping their view model to “Left-Handed”. Changing this will also show all other players as left-handed when spectating.
· You can now send a direct message by clicking a friend’s name in chat instead of having to type their name out.
· Players that have been AFK or alt-tabbed for more than 5 minutes will now appear as ‘Away’ in the Social Panel.
· Adjusted team colours to remain fixed for the full duration of a game for observers instead of having the Attacking side always appear as red, and the defending side always appear as green.
· [BETA] Experimental Sharpening.

· Fixed one source of combat hitches we’ve seen from player reports.
· Jett now can’t rope dash lelFixed a bug where incoming.
· Party invites would remain active in the Social Panel after being declined.
· Players no longer see the spike location when reconnecting to a game.
· Fixed issue where player corpses could cause collision issues.
· Sage wall segments no longer breaks if a player dies on top of them.
· Fixed a bug that would disable queuing for any mode if a player closed the client during the Match Found countdown.
· Fixed a bug that was displaying Act Rank badge on the MVP screen outside of Competitive Queue.

By Tekato Longkumer Updated: Oct 27, 2020 9:56:28 pm
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