Happy Mother’s Day - Eastern Mirror
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Happy Mother’s Day

By EMN Updated: May 10, 2020 11:03 pm

“God cannot be everywhere so he created mothers” – Jewish Proverb

On 6th April 2020, a 48 year old Indian woman Razia Begum rode her Scotty from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh, more than 1400 km to bring back her 19 years old son Mohammed who was stranded due to corona virus pandemic which resulted to national lockdown. She drove more than 23 hours, day and night. She stopped only at oil pumps for about 15 minutes, to let Scotty cool down while she took her roti and sabzi which she had packed. On reaching the village, she rested at police station from 2:30am to 4:00am because she didn’t want to wake up her son in the middle of the night. She didn’t send her eldest son or anyone else to go instead of herself because police may not allow a man; she didn’t take her car because police may object to four wheelers.

She didn’t know the route yet set out the epic journey without informing anyone because nobody would have allowed it. She exposed herself to all kinds of dangers, risking her very life. When returned, all were amazed. Some media persons call her hero.

“She said that she was no hero, just a regular mother who loved her son.” She added, “Despite the deep discomfort and long journey, it was my love for my son that kept me going. I would repeat it all in a heartbeat.” She was willing to go many times. She said she was not hero; true she is no hero because for a mother this is just another act, this is just one act, every day thousands of such sacrificial acts are done by mothers.

All of us have similar experiences the unexplainable love of our mother. For mothers there are no limits, no boundaries, no rules and no protocols when it comes to loving and protecting her children, her love transcends everything. She will bear any hardship, pain and shame; even ready to give up her life and some have even done that. We know in our families, most mothers go without basic necessities of life in order to provide their children a better life, a brighter future. They would go hungry; they would be the last person to take meals, last to go to bed, last to accept any privilege and first to rise for work.

Mother’s love is pure, it is unconditional; often we hear the love of mother is next to God’s love, I believe it is true. Mother’s love is so divine that is why she remains fondest and sweetest in our lives. We love our mother, we trust her and we avoid doing bad things for her sake. A priest once said; we will not commit sin if we do not do which we feel shy to tell to our own mother. That is true since her love is so divine, we dare not do evil things in front of her. Mother is the best teacher, the first teacher; she is an angel, the visible God on earth.

Dear mothers we love you, we honour you and appreciate you, and we truly acknowledge that your role is tough and your responsibility is big. And I warn you today, that your role will still be tough because I am still your imperfect son, daughter and husband. We are weak human beings with all the limitations, we are not angels. We will continue to hurt you, discourage you and even make you cry. But mothers, you can overcome all the problems because you’re strong, because you are with God; because you are woman of prayer. Mothers please continue to remain prayerful; “Your first role as a mother is prayer.” Prayer is your strength. God is your comfort. Jesus was touch by the cry of the mother and raised her son to life. Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain. Lk. 7:13-14. ‘When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, “Do no weep.” Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “young man, I say to you rise.” It was the cry of the mother that moved the heart of God, still today Mothers who cry before the Lord moves the heart of God. When mothers stop praying, their families perish. Hundreds of problems creep in day by day.

George Washington said, “My Mother taught me prayers.” Dear Mothers teach us prayers, teach us how to pray. Isaac Newton Mother prayed with her son everyday till he was 7 years, till her unfortunate death. He said; “I was born into the home of holiness, I was dedicated to God in my infancy”. Dear Mothers we want to kneel besides you in prayers.

We want you to hold our hands and lead us to the church. We want a praying mother, we want godly mother. As Abraham Lincoln said; “no one is poor who has a godly mother”. So only in your godly presence we are rich. Napoleon Bonaparte said; “As long as France has good mothers, it will have good sons”. Dear mothers continue to influence us, inspire us, and lead us closer to God. Most importantly continue to be the visible God for us because God cannot be everywhere.

Dear mothers Mother Mary the mother of Jesus is the best model for you; she overcame all her problems through prayers and constant union with her son Jesus. Imitate her virtues and her holiness. You will overcome all your difficulties if you constantly keep Jesus with you. Once again happy Mothers’ Day to you dearest mothers. God bless you all.

Rev. Fr. Jacob Chapao

By EMN Updated: May 10, 2020 11:03:22 pm
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