
Governor graces LFHSS golden jubilee

Published on Dec 6, 2014



Our Correspondent KOHIMA, DECEMBER 5 Governor PB Acharya today graced the inaugural programme of the two-day golden jubilee celebrations of the Little Flower Higher Secondary School, Kohima (LFHSS) which was held in the school premises. Speaking on the occasion, the Governor paid rich tributes to the founding members of the institution on their farsightedness in laying the foundation for the generations and moulding the school into a premier education centre for girls in the state. He said the occasion calls for a retrospection of the journey of 50 years - celebrate and recapitulate the achievements, failures and plan for the future.Emphasizing that the educational career of the children are in the hands of the teachers, Acharya called upon the teachers to ensure that students are guided properly to enable them to decide what they should do and where they should go in their future. He remarked that the career of the students who are the future leaders begins from the school and therefore said that a conducive environment is needed in all educational institutions so as to mould students who can be brought up as responsible citizens. Also, underscoring that education not only gives knowledge to a person but it also empowers that person, the Governor said this empowerment should be used purposefully for the growth of the society, the state and the country. He also voiced concern that while there are excellent educational institutions in Nagaland, the people here that are able to afford are sending their children to pursue studies outside the state. Towards this, the Governor said the people of the state need to take up the responsibility. Meanwhile, he appreciated the choreographed performance of the students at the programme, and attributed it as reflective of the standard of co-curricular education of the school. “The achievement of the Little Flower School is commendable and the credit goes to the management, principal, sisters, teachers, students and parents,” he asserted. The Governor also inaugurated a landmark Children’s Park constructed to commemorate the golden jubilee of the school. Guest of honour at the programme, Minister for Forests, Environment & Wildlife, Dr. Neikesalie Nicky Kire, who is also an alumnus of the school when it was a co-ed institution, lauded the school authorities on the success of the school in producing the best results year after year. He urged upon all the past pupils of the school to take pride in being a part of this institution and take up social services to the lesser fortunate people of the society so that they may also acquire quality education. Earlier, LFHSS principal Sr. Anna Molly Thekkanal gave a report on the school while jubilee messages were delivered by guest of honour Provincial Salesian Sisters, Province of Guwahati Rev. Sr. Elizabeth George and Chief Judicial Magistrate Kohima & president LFS Past Pupils’ Association, Mezivolu T Therieh. Students of all the classes from KG to 12 performed songs, cultural dances, drill and choreography. A number of doves and 50 yellow balloons were also released by the chief guest, guests of honour and students to mark the occasion. The school was established in 1964 with humble beginnings and later expanded, producing its first HSLC batch in 1972 and has now a higher secondary section with arts and commerce streams. The jubilee was attended by high dignitaries and parents of the students as well as past pupils of the school. As per school records, there are 3287 past pupils who are well placed in different professions.