Future Lies In Artificial Intelligence, Says Advisor Pangjung Jamir - Eastern Mirror
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Future lies in artificial intelligence, says Advisor Pangjung Jamir

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: May 25, 2024 11:38 pm
Pangjung Jamir
A Panjung Jamir with awardees and others during the 18th NI Jamir academic excellence award programme in Kohima on Saturday. (EM Images)

KOHIMA — Advisor of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, A Pangjung Jamir, said on Saturday that Nagas should explore careers in science and technology beyond traditional options like becoming doctors and engineers and noted that the future lies in artificial intelligence (AI).

Addressing the 18th NI Jamir Academic Excellence Award programme at the Capital Convention Centre, Kohima, he said that without advancement in science and technology, any society or community would be deemed backward.

Mentioning that information technology (IT) is known for its promising career opportunities and potential for growth, he added that Nagas are too focused on pursuing careers as doctors and engineers and suggested that it is time to go beyond these.

Speaking further on the importance of choosing the right career, he said that a strong sense of career purpose helps one align academic goals with long-term career goals.

He added that many students navigate their academic journeys without a clear sense of purpose, often choosing a career path based on external expectations, societal pressures, or vague interests. However, without a genuine understanding of their career purpose, they may find themselves unfulfilled or unprepared for the workforce after graduation.

The advisor further urged students to encourage the younger generation to preserve their culture and tradition in this era of rapid advancements in science and technology.

He pointed out that many youngsters who leave their homes for pre-university, college, or different universities pursue their dreams with dedication. However, many also fall into the traps of intoxication and substance abuse, such as drugs and alcohol.

This year, the NI Jamir Academic Excellence Award was given to 16 Ao students who made it into the top 20 merit list in the HSLC examination 2024. The awardees received certificates and cash awards.

The NI Jamir Academic Excellence Award is an initiative of Kohima Ongpangkong Telongjem, established in 2007.

Kohima Ongpangkong Telongjem president Alemkumzuk and Kohima Ao Telongjem president T Chubayanger also spoke during the programme.

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: May 25, 2024 11:38:26 pm
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