Frontier Nagaland Territory: ENPO Reminds Nagaland Government To Submit Comment On MOS Draft - Eastern Mirror
Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Frontier Nagaland Territory: ENPO reminds Nagaland Government to submit comment on MOS draft

By EMN Updated: Sep 21, 2024 9:27 pm

DIMAPUR — The Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisation (ENPO) has reminded Nagaland government to submit its comments on the highlights of Memorandum of Settlement (MOS) draft on Frontier Nagaland Territory (FNT) so as to make way for tripartite talks at the earliest.

In a press release issued on Saturday, the ENPO expressed faith that the leadership of the 14th NLA under Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio will not leave the “prayer, wishes and the sentiments of the people of Eastern Nagaland” unheeded but respect and address them without further delay.

The ENPO served another reminder that during an official meeting of the ENPO executive with the chief minister on August 23 in Kohima, it had submitted a letter requesting the state government to give its comments on the highlights of the MOS draft on FNT.

“While ENPO awaits optimistic reciprocation towards its positive approach with the state government on FNT Issues, on 14th Sept. 2024, ENPO had served a reminder note Vide: No: ENPO/GON-01/24-27/10 Date: 14th Sept. 2024, appealing the state government to be more serious in its approach and to uphold the spirit of collective responsibility as envisaged in Article 164 (2) of the Constitution of India, while giving its comments on the highlight of the MOS draft on FNT and to understand the position of the ENPO,” it stated.

Also, the organisation cautioned against using “unauthenticated sources” while writing or broadcasting on issues related to FNT.

“While appreciating the well-wishers for expressing their support on FNT issues, the ENPO executive through its meeting on 17th September 2024 at Dimapur, unanimously resolved that any print media house, scholars, writers, YouTubers, individuals or groups wishing to telecast, broadcast or make any press statement or write any article on ENPO FNT issues, shall do so only with the prior approval from the ENPO office,” it stated.

Also read: Frontier Nagaland Territory could be interim solution before statehood — ENPO president

By EMN Updated: Sep 21, 2024 9:27:35 pm
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