From Students To Leaders: The Evolution With Tetso Motorcycle Club - Eastern Mirror
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From Students to Leaders: The Evolution with Tetso Motorcycle Club

By EMN Updated: Sep 28, 2024 7:14 pm

“I have spent more nights in the dense jungles of the Indo-Burma border at odd hours, in godforsaken places, and in totally unimaginable circumstances with Dr. Aniruddha Babar than I ever did with my girlfriend. At least our ‘Director General Saab’ always keeps me on my toes!”

~ Haiguing Kuame, Commander-In- Chief, Tetso Motorcycle club.

Leadership is not about titles or positions; it’s about the influence we have, the actions we take, and the impact we leave behind. Leaders aren’t born, they are shaped by challenges, experiences, and the ability to inspire others. As leaders of the Tetso Motorcycle Club (TMC), we’ve come to realise that leadership grows out of guts, passion, persistence, and the ability to unite people under a common purpose- to serve the people and our great Nation.

Taking on this role wasn’t just about leading a group of motorcycle enthusiasts. It was about building a culture of unity and discipline among people from different backgrounds, each with their own stories and dreams. Becoming leaders wasn’t an overnight change. It took time, responsibility, and belief in what we could achieve together.

A significant source of our inspiration is Dr. Aniruddha Babar, our Director General Sir, a man with an iron spine, our professor in college, our commanding officer during our missions and expeditions and finally our closest friend in a half-pant and T-shirt just like “Supandi”. He has been a model of leadership not just for us but for countless students at Tetso College and beyond. Dr. Ani is the kind of leader who always charges ahead, taking on every challenge with iron determination. Even while battling viral fever, he continues to inspire us. When Zubenthung Kikon and our Commander Haiguing Kuame visited him (while he was sick), cooking meals and spending time by his side, he still found the strength to remind them to stay positive. That’s real leadership, facing adversity without retreating. Under his guidance, TMC has grown strong, and his influence has shaped us into the leaders we’ve become.

We were just students when we first met Dr. Ani. Now, we’ve been transformed into people who can shoulder the burden of our nation. That’s what Tetso Motorcycle Club and its founder are all about. Through his guidance and the values instilled by TMC, we’ve learned the importance of responsibility, leadership, and service. The club has shaped us into people who understand the weight of duty-not only to ourselves but to our country. This journey has been one of growth, pushing us to rise above challenges and embrace the true essence of leadership.

A Motorcycle Ride is more than just a journey- it’s the heartbeat of adventure, the pulse of freedom, and the embrace of the unknown. Each turn of the wheel speaks of courage and confidence; each mile conquers whispers of resilience. A true leader should ride with passion, ride with purpose and let the journey become the greatest story and the vision to build something that endures. A leader goes beyond limits not because they have to, but because they understand that greatness is found in pushing past boundaries, inspiring others to follow, and creating a path that stands the test of time. This is what we discovered as we grow and evolve in Tetso Motorcycle Club.

One of the most valuable lessons we’ve learned comes from our founder’s unique approach to leadership. He often tells us, “Command Team, take the decision and get the job done. How you do it is your concern; I won’t ask how you did it. I’ll just see if it’s done. If you fail, it doesn’t matter. Get up and do it again. I won’t interfere, even when you’re failing miserably, because then, I’ll see how you fight.” True to his word, he steps back and never interferes, even when things don’t go as planned. He is an extremely cold man who never gets panicked. His approach empowers us to take full ownership of our actions, face the consequences, and learn from the experience. It’s his way of fostering leadership and accountability, giving us the absolutely independent space to grow through successes and failures alike.

Tetso College began gaining more attention in 2018 when Dr. Ani joined. But for those of us in TMC, 2019, when the Tetso Motorcycle Club was formed, was the real turning point. The club didn’t just unite riders, it brought a much-needed sense of freedom and opened doors to new opportunities. TMC gave students the chance to discover who they truly are, to serve the country, and to live with purpose and discipline.

Tetso Motorcycle Club shares a close connection with the Assam Rifles, and in many ways, our values align. We have a military-like structure where discipline and unity are everything. Every member of TMC lives by the principle of “Nation First.” This is more than just a phrase, it defines how we act, whether we’re organising an event or out on the road. Our shared love for adventure is matched by our dedication to the country. These qualities make TMC more than just a club, it’s a force for something greater.

As leaders of TMC, our goal wasn’t just to create a space for riders but to give each person the opportunity to grow and give back to the community. We don’t ride just for fun-we ride with purpose, as the record of TMC is inspiring. Whether it’s organising charity events (during Covid-19 pandemic), mentoring younger members (through short rides), participating in social initiatives (for eg. regular collaborations with Assam Rifles), or riding alongside our brothers in the armed forces (for e.g escorting AMC Riders), we’ve become leaders in everything we do. Moreover, TMC contributes to women empowerment. We have kept the post of Vice president reserved only for women. TMC also encourages female members to learn Motorcycle by offering free classes after college hours. This is how through various initiatives TMC also tries to cultivate women leadership in the club. 

One of the most important aspects of leadership is listening. Every member of the club has something valuable to share. By creating a space where everyone’s voice is heard, we’ve built a shared vision that has driven us forward. It’s this sense of unity that has allowed TMC to take on bigger responsibilities, not only within the college but across the wider community. We’ve become a symbol of strength and service, always focused on what we can do for others.

Leadership in TMC wasn’t about us making all the decisions. It was about empowering others to lead. Every member played a role, whether planning events, designing programs, or ensuring everyone’s safety. By trusting one another, we’ve grown stronger together.

We faced many challenges, from organising large events to managing discipline and safety. But every challenge brought us closer as a team, making us more determined. These obstacles taught us that leadership is about resilience and never backing down when things get tough.

In the end, leadership isn’t about avoiding fear; it’s about facing it with courage. And what makes an organisation like TMC powerful is the willingness to push limits, dream bigger, and work harder. TMC has grown into something more because of the commitment of every rider who believes in our mission.

At its core, leadership is about inspiring others to aim higher and push beyond their limits. The Tetso Motorcycle Club is living proof of what can happen when passion, purpose, and leadership come together. We are not just a club-we are a movement, a group of people driven by a shared vision to make a difference wherever we go.

By July 2025, we will step down from our leadership roles. As we prepare for this transition, our hearts swell with pride for what TMC have accomplished so far. But before we put down our papers, we will aim for our highest, pushing beyond all limits to leave a legacy under field command of our Commander Haiguing Kuame; that will inspire future generations. What would that grand Mission be? Let us keep it a secret for now. It’s been an honour to lead such incredible individuals, and we know the spirit of TMC will only grow stronger. May God guide us as we reach for greatness and glory.

“TMC, TMC ke jabaaz sawaar aur unke Sirdaar ki kahaniyan Tetso College aur Nagaland mein hamesha yaad ki jayengi…hum hamesha kahaniyon mein zinda rahenge…hum hamesha milte rahenge.” (“TMC, TMC’s brave riders and the stories of their leader will always be remembered in Tetso College and Nagaland…we will always be alive in stories…we will always meet.”)

Nation First, ALWAYS. Jai Hind.

Written by,

Nzanrhoni Ngullie, 5th Semester, Dept of Sociology, Tetso college (2IC/Vice President, Tetso Motorcycle Club), Elanthung Ngullie, 5th Semester, Dept of Political Science, Tetso College (Risaldar / Secretary General, Tetso Motorcycle club)

By EMN Updated: Sep 28, 2024 7:14:00 pm
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