Forget “Let’s Wake Up” But “Let’s Just Start Doing” - Eastern Mirror
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Forget “Let’s Wake up” But “Let’s Just Start Doing”

By EMN Updated: Sep 08, 2016 11:22 pm

We know that Nagaland is going through an ideological revolution and the talk between the NSCN (IM) and the GOI would hopefully bring about a reformation in our political stand, economy and development in various aspects no matter what the outcome would be. But the important thing at hand now is, before any kind of solution takes place, does the condition of Nagaland have to be same? Is the general public so powerless to reform the pathetic conditions of Nagaland? Or is everyone satisfied with the way things are now in Nagaland.
Well I don’t think anything is “OK” in Nagaland. My concern is, every year thousands of Naga students who graduate college are dumped in the sea of unemployment. It’s a shame to admit that the whole life of a Naga student is but geared up for NPSC or other such govt. job sources as there are not much source for earning a livelihood for an educated Naga in Nagaland.

Thus there is a must need for the public to contribute in social reformation to save our future generation. This can be done by starting from the simplest workforces like employing at least two Naga out of three masons and labours while constructing a Naga owned building. In chains of shop, restaurants, hotels or whatever businesses owned by a Naga, should employ at least two third of Naga staffs if not all.

Fellow Nagas, forget about the concept that non locals are more reliant than Nagas as they don’t cheat and are obedient. I say this because when the time comes, the non locals won’t be standing by you for you, but when crucial times call, Nagas will always stand for each other so don’t let the mistake of one or two dishonest Naga cloud your judgment over the brotherhood of Naga.

The little change you make will determine the outcome in the greater run so the question is what kind of change will you make?

K.K. Chishi, Social worker

By EMN Updated: Sep 08, 2016 11:22:31 pm
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