Published on Dec 23, 2023
DIMAPUR — The kedallo of Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN), Namrikiu Zeliang, has called upon the Nagas as a Christian nation to lead christianly life in words and deeds and first seek the kingdom of God in order to receive His blessings.
“How wonderful is His amazing grace, how great is His love and mercy that had sustained our people to celebrate this Christmas today. The plan and design of God is un-refutable and only requires of us to calmly accept it as it is,” the kedallo said in his Christmas greetings to the Naga people.
He stated that it is a joy for everyone to celebrate the endless mercy of the Lord in the birth of Christ Jesus, the redeemer and the saviour of mankind along with the rest of the world.
He added that due to communication gaps at times, Nagas are lagging behind other advanced nations of the world today. He, however, stated that the God given right of freedom remains intact as ever.
“Sovereignty and freedom is not a thing which will be given to us by others but which belongs to us and need to be defended at all times. The final solution lies with God alone,” he added.
He expressed happiness to announce that its national office outside of homeland is functioning smoothly now. He has conveyed Christmas greetings to all the friendly and likeminded nations, who understand, sympathise and share with the Nagas cause.
On the joyous celebration of Christmas, he called upon the Nagas to rejoice as a people and nation under the protection of Almighty God. He prayed that the hardships and turmoil confronting the people would vanish through His will.
He further looked forward to a happier and brighter Naga family in the times to come.