FGN Pays Tributes To Comrades On ‘Naga Martyrs’ Day’ - Eastern Mirror
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FGN pays tributes to comrades on ‘Naga Martyrs’ Day’

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: Oct 19, 2023 3:26 pm
Gen. (retired) Viyalie Metha addressing the gathering on the occasion of 72nd Naga Martyrs’ Day programme in Jotsoma village on October 18.

KOHIMA — The Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) on October 18 observed the Naga Martyrs’ Day (72nd Martyrs Day) at Zasibito’s graveyard in Jotsoma village, Kohima.

Speaking at the programme, Gen. (retired) Viyalie Metha, Kedahge of FGN, said the day is observed in honour and remembrance of Zasibito Nagi and all other Naga patriots. He added that the day is observed throughout Nagaland simultaneously at 10 am.

Metha recalled the crimes and atrocities committed by the Indian armed forces upon the national workers and Naga public in the past. Among many crimes committed by the Indian armed forces on the Nagas, he highlighted the first Naga martyr, Zasibito Nagi, from Jotsoma village and judge of the Kohima central court, who was shot by the Assam police personnel on October 18, 1952, at Old Taxi stand, Kohima.

He narrated that on the fateful day, the people took up a peaceful silent procession in protest against misbehaviors of Indian armed forces in Nagaland, where an Indian intelligent officer, Capt. Verick, arrogantly rode his motorcycle into the crowd of procession and knocked down a woman creating disturbance in the procession.

He said the protestors rushed toward Capt. Verick to assault him, wherein Zasibito Nagi intervened and stop the public not to harm Capt. Verick. In the process, Zasibito was shot by a police officer named S Dutt. Thus, Zasibito Nagi became the first martyr for Nagaland, he said.

“That peaceful rally was undertaken by the Naga public to protest against the torture of a young Sema boy inside the lockup in Dimapur by Assam armed police. And after this event, the Assam armed police and the Assam Rifles unleashed reign of terror all over Nagaland. This was followed by the Indian army marching into Nagaland in 1954 and started mass murder, rape and burning of Naga villages. Thus, the whole Naga nation then rose up to defend our land from foreign occupation and continue defending till today,” Metha said.

He also highlighted that 53 villagers of Yengpang village in Chang region were massacred by the Indian armed forces on November 15, 1954, while 13 villagers of Ketsapomi village in Chakhesang region were rounded up and shot dead five of them by Indian army on April 15, 1956, and eight taken away and never heard of again.

He also stated that seven villagers of Longpha village in Ao region were massacred by the Indian armed forces in the village community hall on June 6, 1956, while five Settsü villagers in Ao region were massacred on May 20, 1956. He said they were tied to posts, wrists to wrists, hands stretched in crucifix fashion and shot death at the junction of two roads, six miles from Mokokchung town.

Metha also stated that nine villagers of Matikhrü in Pochury region were beheaded and dumped their bodies inside the village chief’s house and burnt them together with the house on September 6, 1960.

He called upon the gathering to observe the day with reverence and gratitude because they have sacrificed their lives for the bright future of the people.

“Many national workers were shot dead, tortured to death and permanently maimed because of the severe torture. Yet, Naga people did not dishearten rather came together and defended our land by sacrificing our lives and ours all till today and shall continue to defend it in the days to come,” he affirmed.

He went on to add that the Naga National Council (NNC) and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) are defending the inalienable rights of the Naga people and would continue to protect and defend the Naga national rights. He assured that friends, who laid down their lives for the nation, would not go in vain but remained alive in the history of the nation.

He called call upon all right-thinking Naga people, particularly the younger generation, to come forward and stand together for the right cause of the nation and march together until the national objective is achieved.

A short speech was delivered by Rüdolie Nagi, chairman of Jotsoma village council.

The programme was led by Shevohü Keyho, FGN Killo kilonser, while Bible reading and prayer was done by Rev. Zakiebeinyü Peseyie, pastor of Jotsoma Baptist Church, and a song was presented by Medozo Nagi and friends.

The event was marked by reading the names of the martyrs and observed two minutes silent prayer in memory of the martyrs followed by laying of wreaths. The programme concluded with a prayer said by Medovino Phizo.

The Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) on October 18 observed the Naga Martyrs’ Day (72nd Martyrs Day) at Zasibito’s graveyard in Jotsoma village, Kohima.

Speaking at the programme, Gen. (retired) Viyalie Metha, Kedahge of FGN, said the day is observed in honour and remembrance of Zasibito Nagi and all other Naga patriots. He added that the day is observed throughout Nagaland simultaneously at 10 am.

Metha recalled the crimes and atrocities committed by the Indian armed forces upon the national workers and Naga public in the past. Among many crimes committed by the Indian armed forces on the Nagas, he highlighted the first Naga martyr, Zasibito Nagi, from Jotsoma village and judge of the Kohima central court, who was shot by the Assam police personnel on October 18, 1952, at Old Taxi stand, Kohima.

He narrated that on the fateful day, the people took up a peaceful silent procession in protest against misbehaviors of Indian armed forces in Nagaland, where an Indian intelligent officer, Capt. Verick, arrogantly rode his motorcycle into the crowd of procession and knocked down a woman creating disturbance in the procession.

He said the protestors rushed toward Capt. Verick to assault him, wherein Zasibito Nagi intervened and stop the public not to harm Capt. Verick. In the process, Zasibito was shot by a police officer named S Dutt. Thus, Zasibito Nagi became the first martyr for Nagaland, he said.

“That peaceful rally was undertaken by the Naga public to protest against the torture of a young Sema boy inside the lockup in Dimapur by Assam armed police. And after this event, the Assam armed police and the Assam Rifles unleashed reign of terror all over Nagaland. This was followed by the Indian army marching into Nagaland in 1954 and started mass murder, rape and burning of Naga villages. Thus, the whole Naga nation then rose up to defend our land from foreign occupation and continue defending till today,” Metha said.

He also highlighted that 53 villagers of Yengpang village in Chang region were massacred by the Indian armed forces on November 15, 1954, while 13 villagers of Ketsapomi village in Chakhesang region were rounded up and shot dead five of them by Indian army on April 15, 1956, and eight taken away and never heard of again.

He also stated that seven villagers of Longpha village in Ao region were massacred by the Indian armed forces in the village community hall on June 6, 1956, while five Settsü villagers in Ao region were massacred on May 20, 1956. He said they were tied to posts, wrists to wrists, hands stretched in crucifix fashion and shot death at the junction of two roads, six miles from Mokokchung town.

Metha also stated that nine villagers of Matikhrü in Pochury region were beheaded and dumped their bodies inside the village chief’s house and burnt them together with the house on September 6, 1960.

He called upon the gathering to observe the day with reverence and gratitude because they have sacrificed their lives for the bright future of the people.

“Many national workers were shot dead, tortured to death and permanently maimed because of the severe torture. Yet, Naga people did not dishearten rather came together and defended our land by sacrificing our lives and ours all till today and shall continue to defend it in the days to come,” he affirmed.

He went on to add that the Naga National Council (NNC) and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) are defending the inalienable rights of the Naga people and would continue to protect and defend the Naga national rights. He assured that friends, who laid down their lives for the nation, would not go in vain but remained alive in the history of the nation.

He called call upon all right-thinking Naga people, particularly the younger generation, to come forward and stand together for the right cause of the nation and march together until the national objective is achieved.

A short speech was delivered by Rüdolie Nagi, chairman of Jotsoma village council.

The programme was led by Shevohü Keyho, FGN Killo kilonser, while Bible reading and prayer was done by Rev. Zakiebeinyü Peseyie, pastor of Jotsoma Baptist Church, and a song was presented by Medozo Nagi and friends.

The event was marked by reading the names of the martyrs and observed two minutes silent prayer in memory of the martyrs followed by laying of wreaths. The programme concluded with a prayer said by Medovino Phizo.

Also read: Chang Wedoshi Setshang temporarily suspends protest; Sao Chang College to remain closed

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: Oct 19, 2023 3:26:06 pm
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