SUNDAY, MARCH 09, 2025


Education important for inclusive growth, says union minister of state

Published on Jun 4, 2023



Education important for inclusive growth, says union minister of state
Dr. R. R. Singh and NCMEI chairman Justice Narendra Kumar Jain with others during the interaction programme of NCMEI at Chumoukedima on Saturday. (Image courtesy: DoHE)

DIMAPUR — Education is an important instrument for inclusive growth and it serves as an engine for development of everyone, said union minister of state for education Dr. R. R. Singh.

He was addressing an Interaction Programme of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI), and the state competent authorities and representatives of minority educational institutions from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Sikkim, on Saturday.

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About 200 delegates attended the event which was hosted by the Department of Higher Education (DoHE) at Niathu Resort in Chumoukedima, updated DoHE.

Asserting that the Constitution of India has given provision to the religious and linguistic minority in the country to establish their own institution, Singh encouraged the gathering to make use of the opportunity and ensure quality and easy accessibility to education.

He lauded the missionary schools for imparting knowledge in the remote areas.

Mentioning that the National Education Policy 2020 aims at sustainable development and to make educational institution more holistic to bring out capability of students, he encouraged the participants to be prepared for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and learning regional language, as well as come up with creative ideas to improve the education system.

NCMEI chairman, Justice Narendra Kumar Jai, who spoke on the right to free education, encouraged the gathering to work on bringing Below Poverty Line (BPL) children to school.

Challenging the participants to learn about the Education Policy and Act on it, he said the Centre is working towards 100% enrolment by 2030.

Commissioner and Secretary for Higher and Technical Education, Anenla T. Sato thanked the minister of state for choosing Nagaland to host the programme. She also thanked the Jain community for imparting quality education in the state through the S.D. Jain educational institutions.