
DLSAs observe International Day against Drug Abuse

Published on Jun 28, 2016



Dimapur, June 27: The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a United Nations’ mandated event against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade. It is observed annually on June 26, since 1988. The observance was instituted by a General Assembly Resolution 42/112 on 7 December 1987. The UN’s 2007 World Drug Report puts the value of the illegal drug trade at US$322 billion a year. By a resolution in December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe stated date as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. This resolution recommended further action with regard to the report and conclusions of the 1987 International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. In Nagaland, various organizations commemorated the day with formal programs besides advocacies. Phek town observed International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26 by organizing a formal program at the Phek Town Council hall. The event was sponsored by the District Legal Service Authority of Phek district and organized by local nongovernmental organizations the Eureka Life Foundation, Phek Town Chakhesang Students’ Union, and the Phek Town Youth Society.120 members from said groups attended the program, a note from the organizers issued to the media on Monday informed. The guest speakers for the event were Vetsuyo Vero, a program manager of the Eureka Life Foundation, who spoke on topics of harm reduction; Theputo Venuh, president of the Phek Town Chakhesang Students’ Union, who spoke about the consequences of drug addiction in the society. Likewise, another speaker, Dr. Azo, a senior medical officer, spoke about the effects of drugs on human life, besides the behavioral problems, economic drawbacks and negative aspects of alcoholism; Nusakho, pastor of PTBC, spoke about morality and religion; Dr. Chandan Singh of the 46th Assam Rifle also spoke. Dr. Singh spoke about the ‘menace of drugs’ and drug trafficking in Nagaland; GH Ralia, the district session judge of Phek district spoke on issues concerning the implication of laws against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, the organizers informed in the note. Elsewhere too, members of the District Legal Services Authorities on Monday conducted seminars and educational programs across Nagaland to commemorate the International Day against Drugs and Illicit Trafficking. Various programs were conducted in various districts in collaboration with church organizations, schools, and nongovernmental organizations targeting venerable sections of the society, a press release from the services, under the legal services authorities under the aegis of the Justice & Law department, informed on Monday. The organizers stated in the press release: “Considering the phenomenal rise in drug trafficking and drug abuse amongst the youth, children and adolescence has serious complications, adversely affecting national health and economy, the legal services authorities felt that a contribution to the society can be extended by playing a role in the reduction of supply and demand, de-addiction and rehabilitation against drug abuse and addict.” “In spite of comprehensive legislations such as the drugs and cosmetic Act 1940 and the NDPS Act 1983 the drug abuse is in an organized manner which is growing manifold.” To curb the “rising issue”, the press release stated, the legal services authorities under the aegis of the Justice & Law department, “endeavors to implement the action Plan of National Legal Services Authority (Central Authority) under the scheme ‘legal services to the victims of drug abuse and eradication of drug menace scheme-2015’.” The department stated that the scheme “ensures to disseminate awareness to the general masses the legal provisions, various programs and schemes of the Government and to ensure essential legal services to the victims of drug trafficking and drug abuse. The legal services authorities intends to co-ordinate with de-addiction and rehabilitation center for rights of drug victims and launch sensitization programs in coordination with various stake holders.” The services conducted a seminar with the members of the center and the management of KRIBA Foundation, the organizers informed. The legal fraternity ‘presented the benefits and provisions of central schemes as offered though the National Legal Services Authority, the group stated. The visitors talked to them about the scheme ‘legal services to the victims of drug abuse and eradication of drug menace scheme-2015.’ In Kohima, the day was commemorated with Sunday School children of Jakhama Christian Revival Church. The program was organized by the Kohima District Legal Services Authority, the organizers informed. A brief introduction about the international event and its importance was given by Metseilenuo, a paralegal volunteer with the KDLSA. Keduvi Zhotso, a panel lawyer with the KDLSA, highlighted the ‘Legal services to the victims of drug abuse and eradication of drug menace scheme-2015. Dr. Ayo Thao spoke on the health aspects of drug abuse and use. A discourse on the legal aspects of child rights was presented by Zhkuseto Natso, also a panel lawyer with KDLSA. The UN General Assembly held a Special Session on drugs in April 2016. This special session marked an important milestone in achieving the goals set in the policy document of 2009 “Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem”, which defined action to be taken by Member States as well as goals to be achieved by 2019. NALSA (Legal Services to the Victims of Drug Abuse and Eradication of Drug Menace) Scheme, 2015 The phenomenal rise in drug trafficking and drug abuse amongst the youth, children and adolescents has serious implications, adversely affecting national health and economy. Curbing it is the highest priority for the State as well as the society. It is an open secret that drugs have spread their dreaded tentacles on innocent children, adolescents, youth and women. The horrible dimension, which this menace has acquired, can be gauged from the average age of initiation of drugs which is as low as nine-ten years. Recent empirical studies reveal that about 7 crore people in India are involved in substance abuse, out of whom about 17% are addicts. The illicit cultivation of plants wherefrom the substances/drugs are derived is an area of major concern. Generally, people are unaware of the ill effects of such cultivation. In order to prevent illicit cultivation of substances, participation of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Local Bodies is necessarily required. Although many agencies of the State as well as Non-Governmental Organizations are working in the field for eradication of drug trafficking and drug abuse, there is lack of coordination amongst them. Individual efforts of different functionaries and agencies have not achieved the desired results. Experience shows that the victims of drug abuse have no idea how to tackle the issues of treatment and rehabilitation. Considering the fact that Legal Services Institutions can contribute a lot to curb this menace, a resolution was passed in the 131h All India Meet of State Legal Services Authorities held at Ranchi (Jharkhand), concluding that Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse should be a major area of concern for all Legal Services Institutions and a necessity was felt to examine the issue therein. Objectives • To disseminate awareness amongst the general masses regarding the Legal Provisions, various Policies, Programmes and Schemes, in respect of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances as well as to create awareness about the ill effects of drug abuse amongst the children in schools and colleges, street children, urban slum children, injective drug user(s), families, prisoners, workers in unorganized Sector, Chemists, drug pedlars, sex workers and general masses etc. • Organizing literacy camps for sensitizing the farmers who are carrying out permissible cultivation of various substances/source plants about the adverse health and life threatening effects of consumption of such drugs and substances. • To spread awareness amongst the parents, teachers and students about the ill effects of the substance abuse. • To sensitize the various stakeholders viz; Judiciary, Prosecution, Members of Bar, Police, Forensic Laboratories, De-addiction Centres, Corrective Homes, Rehabilitation Centres, School, College and University administration, Children Homes, Old-age Homes, NariNiketans, Schools for Special Children, Ministerial Staff of Courts, etc. about the drug menace and effective measures to curb it. • To mobilize the available infrastructure in identifying the victims of drug abuse, their treatment and post detoxification rehabilitation. • To tap the potential of the Panchayati Raj Institutions/Local Bodies at grassroot level for intervention and prevention of drug abuse and destruction of illicit cultivation of plants used to derive the drugs/ substances. • To maintain effective coordination with the Drug De-Addiction Centres. and Rehabilitation Centres etc. for better facilities and respect for the rights of the victims and to intervene, if any, breach is noticed. • To coordinate the activities of various stakeholders working in the field. • To ensure essential legal services to the victims of drug trafficking and drug abuse. (Source: nalsa.gov.in)