
Dimapur district observes ‘Anti-malaria month’

Published on Jun 24, 2023



Residents of Zuikhu village pose for a photograph after an awareness programme which was organise as part of ‘Anti-malaria month’ activities.

DIMAPUR— Along with the rest of the country, Dimapur unit of National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme (NVBDCP) is observing ‘Anti-Malaria Month’ from June 1 to the 31st on the theme “Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement.”

An update from the district vector borne officer stated that several anti-malaria activities such as awareness on the causes and symptoms, preventive measures to be taken, diagnosis and treatment, use of insecticidal treated bed nets etc. are being conducted throughout the district. Besides, health camps to screen for malaria were also conducted in ten selected villages in the district.

It stated that the importance of community participation to eliminate malaria in the district is being emphasised during the month-long observation. Stakeholders such as village authorities, civil societies, faith-based organisations, youths are involved in all anti-malaria activities conducted in the district. Besides keeping the surrounding or village clean, the stakeholders were sensitised on the importance of source reduction, which is to reduce mosquito breeding grounds in their respective localities to eliminate and prevent the spread of malaria and other vector borne diseases.

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The team involved in carrying out anti-malaria activities in the district was lead by the district vector borne officer, Dr. A Kavito Zhimomi and district vector borne consultant, Peter Sangtam, along with malaria inspectors, malaria technical supervisors, surveillance inspectors, surveillance workers and ASHA.

Meanwhile, the district vector borne diseases control team has urged the public to protect themselves from vector borne diseases during the monsoon period by ensuring removal of stagnant water that acts as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, keeping their surroundings clean and dry, using insecticide treated mosquito nets at night, using mosquito repellants, wearing full sleeves shirts and long pants, to cover all water containers and tanks, to get tested for malaria, dengue or other vector diseases in case of fever.

It further informed that diagnosis and treatment for malaria are provided free of cost in all government health units.