
DBCK and MCD donate blood to hospitals

Published on Jun 16, 2021



MCD youths donate blood on the occasion of ‘World Blood Donors Day’ on June 14.

Dimapur, June 15 (EMN): Commemorating the ‘World Blood Donor Day’ NCC cadets of Don Bosco College Kohima (DBCK) and the youth of Muslim Council Dimapur (MCD) have organised a blood donation drive.

World Blood Donor day is observed every year on June 14. The day is observed to spread awareness about blood donation and the need for safe blood and blood products. It is celebrated to appreciate the contribution of voluntary blood donors in saving lives.

The slogan for this year is 'Give blood and keep the world beating'. It highlights the contribution of blood donors in saving lives and improving the health of others. It also reinforces the global call for more people to contribute to better health by donating blood regularly.

The NCC cadets of DBCK observed the day on June 15.

An update from DBCK stated that cadet Tsurila of 2nd semester donated blood voluntarily for the first time at NHAK blood bank. She was accompanied by NCC officer Rokovinuo and the college principal.

It stated that Tsurila was inspired by the care given by the blood bank authorities and also appreciated the ‘Thank you card’ given by the Voluntary Blood Donors Association of India.

In a similar programme, the Muslim youths under the banner of Muslim Council Dimapur (MCD) donated 35 units of blood to the blood bank at the District Hospital, Dimapur, on June 14.

Cadet Tsurila of Don Bosco College, Kohima, displays the ‘Thank you’ card after donating her blood at NHAK on Tuesday.

An update from MCD working president A Rahman stated that the organisation organised the blood donation camp after realising a growing demand of blood during this pandemic and that the blood bank was facing acute shortage of blood. MCD hoped that the donation would help the needy to some extent.

He added that individual donation in emergency cases through MCD Shukriya volunteers (blood donors group) would also continue. All concerned who are in need of blood are asked to contact its officials on phone nos. 7005622050, 9856324874, and 7005506019.

It mentioned that the Muslim youths had, for the first time, donated in a organised camp though they have been donating to individuals on emergency occasions to the needy under Red Cross Society or other organisations.

Meanwhile, MCD has thanked the youths, voluntary blood donors association and the blood bank of District Hospital, Dimapur, for the cooperation in mobilisation of blood during this crisis.