DAY-NRLM Social Mobilisation Campaign Underway In Mon - Eastern Mirror
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DAY-NRLM social mobilisation campaign underway in Mon

By EMN Updated: Sep 15, 2022 10:16 pm
DAY NRLM social mobilisation campaign underway in Mon Copy
Elderly SHG members from Wakching block in Mon during a nationwide social mobilisation campaign.

Dimapur, Sep. 15 (EMN): The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) under the aegis of the Ministry of Rural Development has begun a nationwide social mobilisation campaign from September 7 to the 20th to ensure all left-out rural poor household brought under the self help group (SHG) fold.

According to an update, the 15-day campaign was to accelerate the pace of saturation drive to reach 10 crore households across the country for every willing and eligible non-member within the time frame.

“Along with the rest of the country, the Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM) has also begun the campaign through its staff and cadres facilitating the network of SHG organisations to form into village facilitation teams to undertake the task of reaching out to every eligible household. Intensified social mobilisation is being carried out through support of the respective village councils, VDBs, CBOs, NGOs and religious leaders,” it stated.

It stated that out of a total target of 2,07,253 households since inception of the state mission in 2013, NSRLM has mobilised 1,11,294 households into the SHG fold and now has a target of reaching out to 95,959 left-out households within a year.

It informed that benefits that can be availed as members of SHGs under NRLM would be showcased through testimonies and case studies and door-to-door drives during the campaign period.

“While women are the target groups for SHG formation, NRLM is also focused on bringing various categories of vulnerable individuals such as the elderly, persons with disabilities and other most vulnerable groups into the SHG fold,” it stated.

NSRLM has over 12,700 SHGs with more being formed during the current campaign. In addition, 1106 village level organisations (primary level federations) and 50 cluster/ block level federations (secondary level federations) have been promoted as well, it added.

By EMN Updated: Sep 15, 2022 10:16:33 pm
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