DAKT Opens Registration For 2024–25 - Eastern Mirror
Friday, July 26, 2024

DAKT opens registration for 2024–25

By EMN Updated: Apr 07, 2024 7:44 pm

DIMAPUR — The Delhi Ao Kaketshir Telongjem (DAKT) has announced that registrations for the DAKT will commence on April 8. All students from Class 7 onwards and unmarried working individuals residing in Delhi are mandated to register with the union for the term 2024–25.

In a press release, it was stated that for any inquiries concerning registration and additional information, individuals can contact the DAKT office bearers: Yimjungjungshi Sanglir (president) at 8731050645, Imcharenba Atsongchanger (statistic secretary) at 9863080191, and Kilemjungla Lemtur (information and publicity secretary) at 8259070504.

By EMN Updated: Apr 07, 2024 7:44:18 pm
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