Cyberpunk 2077: Here’s What Keanu Reeves Said In Latest Behind The Scenes Trailer
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Cyberpunk 2077: Here’s what Keanu Reeves said in latest behind the scenes trailer

By Tekato Longkumer Updated: Nov 20, 2020 7:15 pm
Keanu Reeves cyberpunk 2077 behind the scenes
Credit: Cyberpunk 2077.

Dimapur, Nov. 20 (EMN): CD Projekt Red released some few trailers yesterday for their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077 including a behind the scenes trailer with Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves plays the character of Johnny Silverhand in the game and the trailer shows him sharing his experience of bringing the character to life inside the Cyberpunk world.

Here is a transcript of what Keanu Reeves said in the latest Cyberpunk 2077 behind the scenes trailer:

Cyberpunk 2077, Johnny Silverhand. I’ve had the opportunity to do voice over a few times. I’ve worked on a cartoon, I had done some documentaries. I’ve never done this much.

You know, I got to play a character in so many kinds of different ways because of different paths or threads or choices so, you almost get to play one moment, say of a decision, with three different behavioural attitudes. So, that was fun.

You know, Johnny is either a d**k or he’s happy, or he’s trying to convince. So, it has been fun and that was kind of what I was interested in, you know the different options that the game could play, like playing the same person but with different versions of them.

So, one of the first elements that I was involved in with the game was motion capture. I have done a fair bit of motion capture; I did it with the Matrix films, so to start doing motion capture for Johnny was all very familiar to me.

The only difference, I think technologically, was how close they were going to real-time review. But, creatively it was very familiar, in the sense of starting a library of gesture and the toolbox, let’s say, for the animators to work with for the character.

So you get to see Johnny as the rockstar, you hear about his military past, and he’s fighting for his survival. He’s kind of got all these things leading into the moment of this guy. It really is kind of an interpretation because I think there is a Johnny Silverhand in all of us.

He has got a lot of energy; he’s got a good sense of humour, if not a little dark at times. He’s very passionate, he cares, he is kind of naive but he is also super experienced in life. He has got, certainly, an appetite for life.

He wants to change the world, you know. He has a cause that he wants to fight the corpocracy. He is kind of looking for a different kind of freedom.

What CD Projekt Red has shared with me, in the way that they talk about the game and what I’ve seen, is that it’s got a lot of freedom. There are so many different paths that you can play the game on. But it’s not the quest of paths, it is like, who are you? How do you want to play the character? You can go into action, you can go into mystery, you can problem-solve in different ways and where you go in this world, there is so much detail, there are so many different things that you can go off into that are really interesting and fun.

There is a real drama to the game and emotional stakes to it and then there’s a lighter side to it and of course, the music, production design, technologically how cutting-edge it is. I don’t think there will be a game that looks like this. Yeah, it’s intense.

Watch behind the scenes with Keanu Reeves trailer below:

Apart from behind the scenes with Keanu Reeves trailer, CD Projekt Red also released “Behind the scenes: Score and Soundtrack”, “Behind the scenes: JALI” and a new gameplay trailer. Cyberpunk 2077 will be launched on December 10, 2020, for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. 

Watch the new official gameplay trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 below:

Watch behind the scenes score and soundtrack trailer below:

Watch behind the scenes JALI trailer below:

By Tekato Longkumer Updated: Nov 20, 2020 7:15:41 pm
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