Origins Of Covid-19 Mystery - Eastern Mirror
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Origins of Covid-19 Mystery

By The Editorial Team Updated: Jun 10, 2021 12:41 am

Tracing the origins of the Covid-19 virus is necessary to wipe out the disease from its roots. However, during the last year and a half, the world has failed to make much progress in this regard. The origins of the virus is still shrouded in mystery, though the lethal virus has thus far claimed over 37 lakh lives worldwide. Leading disease experts in the US have warned about possibility of facing Covid-26 and Covid-32 unless origins of Covid-19 are traced immediately, there is no time to waste. In such a situation, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has expressed its inability to seek more documents from China as its powers are very limited. Allegations about China not aiding the world health body to unravel the truth is creating fresh tensions between the countries most affected by the virus and China. Countries like the US and UK have already ordered an inquiry into the spread of the virus. US President Joe Biden has given only 90 days to the investigative team to submit a final report. On its part, China has termed the US inquiry as biased.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, it has been alleged that an accidental leak of the virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology caused the disease to spread. Recently, more evidence supporting the leak theory has come to light. But China continues to deny the allegations and in support of its stand, China cites the clean chit given by the visiting WHO investigative team in February last. But several nations still question why the country did not allow the UN special agency to visit Wuhan as soon as the pandemic broke out. Initially, Beijing was not in favour of an expert team visiting the country. After nearly a year of relentless international pressure, it allowed the WHO team into the country with several instructions. Many virologists suspect that the origins of Covid-19 is hidden in the mystery fever of three Chinese scientists in November, 2019.

But investigations to find out the origins of Covid-19 will reach nowhere by blaming China alone. The situation demands careful handling and adequate laws to uncover the truth. Questions should be asked as to why WHO has not yet been given enough power to more effectively deal with the pandemic situation. After the outbreak of the pandemic it was demanded that the WHO should not require permission to visit any member countries in case of medical emergency. Unfortunately, no changes have been made in WHO’s charter. If the powerful countries cast suspicion on China, they too will have to answer some unpalatable questions. So, instead of indulging in verbal warfare all countries should come together in tribute to those who have lost their lives due to the prevailing pandemic .

By The Editorial Team Updated: Jun 10, 2021 12:41:47 am
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