Published on Aug 5, 2023
DIMAPUR — In an effort to localise the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at the district level, Dimapur district administration, in collaboration with the SDG Coordination Centre (SDGCC) of the Planning and Transformation department, organised a consultation workshop for formulating the SDG district roadmaps for Dimapur, Chümoukedima and Niuland in the conference hall of the deputy commissioner’s office on Friday.
The workshop was chaired by the district planning officer of Dimapur, N Likao Kikon, while the keynote address was delivered by the deputy commissioner of Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal.
In his address, the DC highlighted the SDGs by emphasising the significance of fostering sustainable and inclusive development at the local level.
The key objective of the consultation workshop was to formulate the district SDG roadmaps for Dimapur, Chümoukedima and Niuland to address the challenges of sustainable development and to achieve the goals and targets that are outlined in Nagaland SDG Vision 2030. The roadmap was expected to be comprehensive and inclusive that would reflect the aspiration specific to each district.
The first technical session was conducted by Abilo Humtsoe, SDG officer, wherein she shared the framework and process for formulating the SDG district roadmap. She also presented the SDG monitoring tools and Dimapur’s performance in ‘National Multidimensional Poverty Index 2023’ highlighting those indicators, which required improvement.
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1]She also conveyed that the SDG data of Dimapur are inclusive of Chümoukedima and Niuland. She has stressed the need to segregate the newly formed districts of Chümoukedima and Niuland for tracking the real-time progress of the SDGs and understanding the challenges and opportunities that are specific to each district.
Dimapur district performance in SDG indicators as per the ‘North East Region District SDG Index 2021-22’ was presented by Khriketou, M&E.
In the second session, one-on-one department consultations were carried out for all concerned departments to brainstorm and address the queries regarding the framework of the SDG district roadmap.
The workshop was attended by the additional deputy commissioner of Dimapur, officials from district administration along with head of offices and department representatives from Dimapur, Chümoukedima and Niuland districts.
The SDGs are a set of 17 global goals which were formulated in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to create a future global development framework, which is to be achieved by 2030 by all countries.
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