Citizens Of Dimapur On NFHRCC Bandh - Eastern Mirror
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Citizens of Dimapur on NFHRCC bandh

By EMN Updated: Jun 30, 2014 12:52 am

The so called infamous unregistered and unrecognized NFHRCC’s turn down of the request of the Cabinet Sub-Committee and tribal Hohos of Yimchuger, Kyong, Konyak, Phom and decided to go ahead with the ban in Dimapur on 30th June 2014 is against the wishes of the Nagas in general and Dimapur in particular. Is the Foothill Road Project mean for Dimapur district? No committee should take Dimapur for a ride. Instead “they should organize any sort of protest in Kohima, the capital of Nagaland where the decision to allot contract work to any contractor shall be taken. What is the real objective of NFHRCC? Is the committee formed for construction of foothill road or to gain selfish individual interest in allotment of contract work? If the committee is for construction of foothill road, why are they organizing a ban for not meeting their demand in allotment of contract work? Shame on NFHRCC! The committee should be done away with and formed the new public mandated committee which focused only on good construction of foothill road. The Government should not give any more importance to this committee. All right thinking citizen and NGO’s should expressed their view whether the NFHRCC’s involvement in the allotment of contract work is wise or not. The famous slogan of Nagaland Contractors and Suppliers Union on open tender policy published in local daily every now and then is why so silent on this issue? Is the department flouting open tender and awarded to the most eligible contractor is not wise enough to be appreciated by the union? Is this not the right time to support the government for sticking your slogan?
Hats off and Kudos to PWD(R&B) department for standing firm on government norms and rules despite of threats and intimidation. It should not and never bow down.

Kavi Sumi
Citizen of Dimapur
# 8575271822

Toluvi Yeptho
Citizen of Dimapur

By EMN Updated: Jun 30, 2014 12:52:00 am
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