
Chosen Church observes foundation day

Published on Apr 1, 2024



Medotseilieü Kiewhuo and others at Chosen Church in Kohima on Sunday.

KOHIMA — Chosen Church in Kohima observed its first foundation day-cum-Easter Sunday service with Medotseilieü Kiewhuo, pastor of Koinonia Baptist Church, as the speaker.

Delivering the message, Kiewhuo referred to Matthew 16:19 and told the members that the Church is divinely ordained by God to destroy the work of Satan, stated an update from the church.

The speaker expounded on the role of believers in the church, emphasising that without their participation and help, the church cannot grow. She added that God uses young people to change the world.

Also dwelling on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Kiewhuo called upon the believers to rejoice because Christ has risen and gave victory to His followers. She added that resurrection power has transforms the world.

She emphasised the crucial need for the guidance and work of the Holy Spirit for a church to survive and grow, stating that without it, a church is not biblical. She expressed concern about some churches going against the work of the Holy Spirit.

Pointing to the life of Peter from the Bible, who became bold after receiving the Holy Spirit, she said the word of God is living and powerful. She stated that a church with the anointing of the Holy Spirit is approved by God, adding that when the Holy Spirit came, the church started and miracles happened.

She exhorted the members that a church without prayer and entertainment alone is nothing and underscored the need for unity in the church to promote peace and grace.

“If the church members pray with all their hearts, nothing can stand against it. Christians have the power to dominate the world with the power of the Holy Spirit,” Kiewhuo said.

Also pointing out that a Bible-based church is a giving church, she advised the members to give their best for the church and for the work of God. She also explained on dead faith and living faith.

The speaker further exhorted the members to love one another with Christian love in the pilgrimage of faith and to let God be their shepherd.

The programme was led by Thanchule.