Published on May 7, 2024
Notwithstanding the campaigns to bring voters to the polling booths, many Indian electorate still prefers to remain indoors on the election day. It is evident from the low turnout in the first two phases of the ongoing general elections. Going by the data, the urban voters are the primary reason for this trend. In urban constituencies, the voting percentage fell by four per cent in the first phase and three per cent in the second phase. Sadly, the scenario is similar in all urban areas across the country. While in Ghaziabad and Gautam Buddh Nagar, situated in the National Capital Region (NCR), the voting percentage was six per cent less than the previous general elections; both Bangalore Central and Bangalore South constituencies too registered a drop in the voting percentage. Same was the story in other urban centres, where voting has been held. Disappointed with the dip in voter turnout in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, the Election Commission has lamented the urban voters not exercising their franchise despite its efforts and campaigns targeting them this time. The poll watchdog has attributing this trend to “rigid levels of apathy” among the urban population.
Many feel that an unprecedented heat wave in the northern, southern and eastern parts of the country might have kept the voters away from the polling booth this time. But it’s just an unreasonable excuse, as casting of vote is the noble duty of any citizen in a democracy; eligible voters should exercise their franchise without fail although voting is not mandatory in India. The reason behind the apathy towards voting could be the existence of strong cynicism in cities about the falling standards of political discourses in the country. But then, the urban voters should know that abstaining from voting will not help restore the falling political standards. To prevent the downslide, they should actively participate in the electoral process and choose the candidates and party they think have an impeccable integrity towards the nation and democracy. As informed citizens of the country, it is their duty to strengthen the democracy by taking part in the electoral process and take the lead in fighting the elements that are weakening our democracy. In contrast, they are way behind their rural counterparts in exercising this right.
Is this indifferent attitude towards the electoral process among the urban dwellers got to do with false promises of political parties? Yes, most likely. The fact is that for long, Indian political parties have been more dependent on rhetoric, especially during the election time, rather than delivering goods at the ground level. This has caused disenchantment across the country and eventually affects the voting percentage. While this should not stop the citizens from voting, but rather elicit interest to change the system, political parties too should start delivering on their promises instead of indulging in cheap gimmick. Fulfilling election manifestos is important to restore the confidence of the people in the electoral process.