Published on Mar 10, 2024
DIMAPUR — The Child Friendly Dimapur (CFD) under ANMA Integrated Development Association (AIDA), in collaboration with the Red Ribbon Club (RRC) of MGM College and Don Bosco Placement Network, conducted a workshop at MGM College auditorium on March 8 on the theme “End inequality, end AIDS, educate humanity.’
An update from CFD stated that the workshop was conducted with an objective to raise awareness on ‘right to life, survival and development.’
It stated that Temsuyanger Aier, resource person and M&E assistant of District AIDS Protection Control Unit (DAPCU), Dimapur, presented a statistic of HIV infected persons in Dimapur district and elaborated on the treatment procedures. He also shared on the mode of transmission including sharing of used needles, infected blood transfusion, unprotected sex with an infected person and infected mother to the child and the precautionary measures.
He encouraged the youth to stay informed and educate humanity.
Garrol Lotha, CFD project coordinator, spoke on the concept of child friendly city initiatives and the guiding principles implemented by AIDA-CFD in local level.
The guiding principles of building a child friendly city as per the UN Convention relating to the rights of the children included non-discrimination, best interest of the child, inherent right of the life, survival and development and respect for the views of the child.
She encouraged the participants to be more responsible in nurturing a child and take up responsibility to advocate and mentor children towards making Dimapur a child-friendly Dimapur with their own potentiality.
Sebi Chacko, coordinator of AIDA Job Placement Network, introduced the AIDA job placement programmes to the participants. The services provided by the Job Placement Network included career guidance, e-certification, employability skilling programmes, job placement supports and safe migration programmes.
Report stated that about 130 students and faculties attended the workshop.