
Call of Duty: Warzone releases new patch notes for Season Three update

Published on May 8, 2021



Call of duty warzone season three
Credit: Raven Software.

Dimapur, May 7 (EMN): The latest Call of Duty: Warzone Season Three May 7 patch notes are in and it brings significant changes to ground loot shotguns and nerfs to some assault rifles.

According to the official patch notes, the Streetsweeper's ground loot availability was changed because its "wide availability fostered a dynamic where passive play was incentivized and rewarded." Raven Software also fixed some map locations in Verdansk that allowed players to reach out-of-bounds areas.

Along with changes to the ground loot and additional bug fixes, the latest patch also brings nerfs to some of the assault rifles in the game, especially the CR-56 AMAX and the FARA 83.

Raven Software insists that the changes to the weapons are part of its ongoing effort to reach a 'balance homeostasis’ by addressing the 'Time To Kill' (TTK) of a certain weapon.

The company has called on their players to "consider these changes not as targeted attacks, but rather as part of a larger initiative to raise the skill ceiling."

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Here are the ground loot changes to the shotguns that spawn on both Verdansk and Rebirth Island in Call of Duty: Warzone.


  • Common variant removed from ground loot
  • Uncommon variant removed from ground loot
  • Rare variant removed from Supply Boxes
  • Epic variant removed from Supply Boxes

Hauer 77

  • Common variant added to ground loot
  • Uncommon variant added to ground loot
  • Rare variant added to Supply Boxes


  • Fixed additional map locations in Verdansk that allowed players to reach out-of-bounds areas. This is on top of the locations that we addressed last week.
  • Fixed a bug causing Player models to initially load as low resolution at the start of a BR match.
  • Fixed a bug with the Cold War AK-47, FARA 83, XM4, and RPD where they were having their ADS Move Speed and Firing Move Speeds decreased with the Tactical and SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stocks rather than increased.


Here are the changes to the assault rifles in Call of Duty: Warzone.


  • Minimum Damage decreased from 32 to 31 (Warzone Only)


  • Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.5 to 1.35
  • Base ADS Move Speed decreased by 7%


  • Streetsweeper
  • Base Hip Spread increased
  • Recoil increased slightly
  • ADS speed reduced slightly

Here are the sugnificant changes to the Submachine Guns in Call of Duty: Warzone.


  • Maximum Damage decreased from 34 to 32
  • Maximum Damage Range increased by 11%
  • Base Move Speed increased by 1%
  • Sprint Out Speed increased by 13%


  • Maximum Damage Range increased by 4%
  • Open Bolt Delay decreased by 80%



  • Combat Recon (Snipers)
  • Bullet Velocity multiplier increased by 12%
  • ADS Idle Sway multiplier decreased by 33.3%


  • Axial Arms 3x (Cold War AK-47)
  • Optic behaviour improved

Raider/KGB Skeletal Stock (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers)

  • ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 75%
  • ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10% 

Raider/KGB Skeletal Stock (Submachine Guns)

  • ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 50%
  • ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10% 

SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stock (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers)

  • ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 75%
  • ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10% 

SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stock (Submachine Guns)

  • ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 50%
  • ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10%

Tactical Stock (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers)

  • ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 75%

Tactical Stock (Submachine Guns) 

  • ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 50%

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