
Business Association of Nagas supports CNTC on oil exploration

Published on Jun 1, 2022




Dimapur, May 31 (EMN): Business Association of Nagas (BAN) has unequivocally supported the stand of Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) on petroleum exploration and production in the state, which was one of the most pressing requirements for our state economy.

“Unless we explore and capitalise on the natural resources available in the state now, it would rather be late for us to make gainful usage of the potential resources,” a BAN press release issued jointly by its president, L Mongkum Jamir, and the general secretary, Dr. Yan Murry.

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It quoted the announcement made by the Prime Minister in the International fora on India’s enhanced renewable energy target of 450GW, who stated that in less than 10 years the renewable energy would account for 57 percent of the country’s installed capacity. Experts say that by 2030 non-fossil fuel capacity could be as much as 65 percent. This is going to bring about a major shift in the way energy is harvested, the statement read.

It stated that at present, global transport is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, which is expected to decline drastically in coming years.

“While the world is heading towards a renewable economy, why are we still holding back on oil exploration and production? Why is our Government not acting seriously on exploration and production of fossil fuel in the state when our state fiscal deficit is mounting and the state economy is reeling at all-time low?” Ban asked.

Mentioning that Assam government earns more than INR 2000 crore revenue annually from oil royalty alone, while for the last three decades Nagaland has earned nothing from oil production contrary to the claim of having many potentialities, BAN asked as to whom to blame for choking the economy if not for ourselves.

“The inactivity of the successive governments, the delusion of considerable national workers, the sycophant in several Naga organisations and beggars’ mentality amongst many of our people has brought us to this stage,” BAN maintained.

Mentioning that lakh of youth that are now frustrated would do anything to protect their existential threat unless infrastructure and avenues are created to accommodate them in a meaningful and productive engagement, BAN appealed to the government to act proactively towards building the right environment and not delay any more for opening up exploration of fossil fuel in the state.