BJP Nagaland Endorses Nadda's Letter To Sonia Gandhi; Says Indulging In Political Gimmicks - Eastern Mirror
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BJP Nagaland endorses Nadda’s letter to Sonia Gandhi; says indulging in political gimmicks

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: May 13, 2021 9:00 pm
BJP nagaland
Nagaland state BJP workers at a press conference in Kohima, on Thursday. (EM Images)

Our Correspondent
Kohima, May 13 (EMN):
Nagaland state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday endorsed its national president JP Nadda’s letter to Congress counterpart Sonia Gandhi and accused her party of exhibiting “cheap” political gimmicks to gain “undue mileage” out of the pandemic situation.

Nadda had written to Sonia Gandhi, accusing the Congress of creating “false panic” and “misleading” the people, after the Congress Working Committee hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government over the handling of the Covid-19 crisis.

Addressing a press conference on Thursday at the party’s head office in Kohima, the BJP state unit workers claimed that the government of the day was doing its best to combat the pandemic with a vision to provide safety to all Indian citizens.

State co-chief spokesperson of BJP Nagaland, Nini Cheng said that considering India’s population of about 1.38 billion that “disregard” public as well as personal hygiene and lack civic sense, “much worse” would have been predicted.

She added that one cannot blame a leader, organisation or any political party for a sudden pandemic such as the Covid-19.

‘This virus knows no boundaries and has infected not only the poor but also the presidents and prime ministers across the globe. A country like India, where 94% of its population are in the unorganised sector have to voluntarily follow socially appropriate behaviour to combat Covid-19,’ she said.

‘Health infrastructure of India inherited over the past 70 years is inadequate according to the Supreme Court. These past 70 years, the Congress party dominated the country’s political arena yet Congress blames the Modi government for the failures of the health infrastructure,’ she stated.

When India’s “most rival” country Pakistan has expressed its solidarity with India over Covid crisis and extended “unconditional support” to fight the pandemic together, than as Indian citizens, one should come forward with positive attitude and fight the pandemic leaving aside political affiliations and interest, she added.

BJP spokesperson Samuel Sumi stated that the government of the day was doing its best and urged all to “bear” the flaws of the government’s management of Covid-19, given the “unpredictable situation” the country is in. He added that BJP has done its best to render humanitarian service during this time of crisis.

Spokesperson of state BJP, W Ngampa Konyak informed that Nagaland unit of BJP has distributed 2, 82, 500 masks and 3, 34, 650 food packages to the public during Covid-19 pandemic.

He also informed that the state’s ST Morcha would be distributing one-time meals to frontline workers from May 15 onwards throughout Nagaland, beginning in Kohima.

Further, Mahila Morcha will distribute free masks to the public and BJYM will continue its blood donation drive, he added.

The media cell of state BJP also accused the Congress, in a press statement, of being “very unbecoming” for “exhibiting cheap political gimmicks to gain undue mileage out of the pandemic situation with nefarious hidden agenda as to even blame the BJP of mishandling the Covid crisis”.

Nagaland BJP further criticised Congress top leaders for “creating unnecessary confusions and chaos amongst the citizens- thereby misleading people and giving false alarm and panic”. Instead of extending services to help the nation, the party leaders are ‘busy spreading rumours and negativity everywhere’, the state BJP accused.

“A vaccine that is made in India is a matter of great national pride for every Indians. Yet, Congress party doesn’t even have the courtesy to appreciate scientists, doctors and innovators who had raced against time to find a vaccine, which only goes on to show their dubious politicking and dirty antics,” it stated.

“Congress leaders are doing no favour to themselves by blaming BJP of every mishap when they themselves are to blame for their follies. Congress party is becoming the biggest joke of the century by ignoring the Centre’s advisories on the second wave of Covid, doing all it takes to oppose lockdown, holding election rallies in Kerala thereby, spiking Covid cases. If we are to look at the mortality rates, Congress-ruled State like Punjab topped the lists-a question Congress party alone can answer why and how it happened,” it added.

It went on to state that the newest trend for the Congress party seemed to be ‘putting all blame on Central Vista Project’.

“The Congress seemed to be relishing their past glories and cannot come to term with the reality that BJP NDA Government is working round the clock to take India forward as a Country at par with the rest of the world,” it continued.

The state BJP also asked the Congress leaders to “have passion to come together and extend your resources and energy to help our fellow Indian citizens in such a time as this”.

By Reyivolü Rhakho Updated: May 13, 2021 9:00:00 pm
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