Bitter Pill Cures - Eastern Mirror
Friday, September 20, 2024

Bitter Pill cures

By EMN Updated: Sep 24, 2015 9:53 pm

Spectators in the gallery tend to play better than the players in the pitch, in any game. I have been in the gallery watching the Naga political games throughout. Therefore, I may have the tendency of playing better than the players without knowing how hard it is for the actual players to play well. Many Nagas do murmur about the ongoing political developments but have less gut to speak up as much as they whisper around. Many Nagas do sow seed of disapproval stealthily but bogged down to remain prisoners of, perhaps, the sense of greed and opportunism particularly those who can read and write. Nonetheless, I
write this piece without malice and with hope that this is the season for us to be frank with one another for the sake of getting blessing in lieu of curse at this crossroad.
The Naga society has been sick for long as it has been suffering from both political and social ailments over the decades. And as we have the diagnosis of the disease, we have the knowledge how to prescribe the right medicine which will definitely cure the Naga disease. Every sensible Naga strongly feels that we must heal our land now and without delay. And yet, except few individuals, we are either hesitant
or afraid or both for prescribing the right dose of the medicine for treatment of the ailments. Without prescribing the right dosage, how bitter it intake may be, the disease will not be cured.
The Nagas are to remain grateful to our National Father A.Z. Phizo and compatriots who established the foundation of Naga nationhood which was unique under the banner of NNC at the right time. By the
founded right, Nagas have the legitimacy to become sovereign nation just as East Timor became so on 20.5.2002 with a mere 1.1 million population having just 14,609 sq. Km of the total area of its country.
Then what has delayed the Nagas from getting sovereignty? Who has denied sovereignty to Nagas? A people that is broken into shreds by itself cannot become a sovereign nation no matter how deserving to be so as per historical inheritance. A nation that refused to unitedly fight for its aspiration has its rights denied to itself from natural and legal point of view. A people that has no unity does not command respect and recognition from others. No matter how valid Naga historical rights may be, those do not simply merit sovereignty when living, moving and wilfully acting in division. Indeed, it is a self denial and Nagas may not blame India in the first place for what we are today.
See the recent accounts of initiatives for reconciliation among the factions since 1997. These are nothing but only chapters of regret. My greatest regret was the fiasco of Atlanta(USA) Reconciliation meet of 1997. The open involvement of American citizens and their open arms invitation to fragmented Nagas to a negotiating table set in the land of the greatest nation on earth, and much to the consternation of India perhaps, bore immense national and international implications.
Had Naga factions honoured and accepted the wisdom of American and British mediators at that time, our aspiration would have gained stature. Had Nagas listened to them, they would not have left us in the lurch even during the process of quest for our aspiration. The Naga arrogance was a disrespect to them, and yet what did they loss except that such opportunity may not come back to us. What a blunder!
We are crying now, and yet who, the foreign sympathisers, will bother and turn to us again.
Secondly, under FNR the Covenant of Reconciliation was signed on 13.7.2009. Following which the NSCN(IM) in particular should have invited the other signatories to round table conference. For what? For
NSCN(IM) to lay bare the agenda in the offing and seek suggestions of addition, deletion and rectification, if any, from fellow factions in the true spirit of reconciliation. Had it been so, majority of the Nagas would have united. Had it been so, there would have been no reason why any other faction should hesitate to have an inclusive common agenda for the purpose of a final solution. In such a situation, it would become perhaps handy for the mediators to pursue the rest to join the majority bandwagon.
The third opportunity came after two years in the fashion of Concordant on 26.8.2011 although a major partner, NSCN(K) declined to be part of it. Here too, except the much publicity it failed to produce seedy conclusion. Perhaps, the Concordant had met the same fate as Covenant had suffered. Perhaps due to our iniquities in the sight of God, we are destined to suffer longer as this under the stalemate.
Nevertheless, the above exercises were not of total wastage as the rate of fratricidal killings was drastically brought down since the process of reconciliation began. We cannot but thank Jesus.
Of all the Naga factions, NSCN(IM) is found to be the most potent group from both organisational and military point of view. The GOI has therefore entered into exclusive dialogue with NSCN(IM) for political solution. The group has also assured the Nagas that an honourable and acceptable solution will be rought. However, as per the ongoing trend, the ‘Framework Agreement’ is within the Constitution of India.
if so, the issue of sovereignty is out of question. Although integration is feasible within Indian Constitution, the Interlocutor RN Ravi has made it clear that Nagaland’s neighbour States particularly Assam and Manipur are assured that their territorial integrities would not be disturbed by Naga settlement. Therefore, when the principle aspirations of the Nagas are not in the agreement, it cannot be called honourable indeed. And let the acceptability be left to Nagas as a whole after the finality arrives.
Well, even when Nagas are united today and have solid movement, there is no guarantee that we get our sovereignty with it. Then how can a political faction or group get Independence for the Nagas? NSCN(IM) is
just a faction, and no matter how strong and capable the group may be, how can it bring sovereignty? There is no universal precedence in history that a cluster of people in a nation who managed to liberate the nation, without the total involvement of the citizens of a nation as a whole, from foreign subjugation. Had there been such mechanism, the Nagas would have floated a global tender and allot the task to the
most capable company to bring Naga Independence. Yet, the universal tenet for aspiring self determination is the total involvement of all citizens without colouring and discrimination.
When NSCN(IM) is failing to get sovereignty for the Nagas, which faction, one can think is more capable of getting sovereignty for the Nagas? It is foolishness to believe that a faction can bring
sovereignty as if it is cheap and available in plenty at throwaway prices. Therefore, if not for false promises made, I cannot blame NSCN(IM) as the issue is beyond their manageability. I also appreciated the comment of NSCN(IM) leadership as appeared in local media earlier that they have to respect India’s predicaments. Such attitude is positive and realistic. And unless we invoke the spirit of give and take, how an acceptable solution can be worked out? Let us not further displease the living God with unrealistic,unethical and self-betrayal utterances that ‘something (meaning the result of Naga Independence) will be known after transplantation period is over or just after harvest’. Let us no more have hallucination on Naga Independence that can be had with our military prowess.
This is my belief. (Being the wretched sinner, and yet allow me to be over-smart here). Naga Independence can come only by one and the only option is by God’s grace and His miracle. By this option, factions are not required, weapons are of no use, governments with decorative paraphernalia and with strategies and manoeuvres are futile exercises.
God does not need Naga army to perform miracle. I believe that the Nagas’ Jehovah has one condition for the Nagas which is well within our feasibility. That is, Nagas realize, repent and sincerely confess
the abominable sins we have committed knowingly or unknowingly before God. That Nagas commit henceforth to worship and serve the Living God alone and pledged to no more worship temporal god of power and god of wealth. That Nagas will not only send 10,000 missionaries but much more to spread the Gospel to unreached. That every Naga family shall be a partner in His mission venture.
Then let the Nagas take rest from the movement of warfare and patiently wait for God to perform His miracle. God is able.
In the light of above para, the NSCN(IM) must not necessarily consider the tall promises of sovereignty and integration to be Frankenstein’s creation. It seems that NSCN(IM) is having sovereignty and integration phobia. I observe that NSCN(IM) seems to feel scared of its promises made to the Naga people and the possible repercussion of the Nagas should there be any failure to fulfil the promises.
Perhaps, for this fear NSCN(IM) used to give defensive statements which are not realistic.
In my opinion (I gave a tip of my opinion which appeared in local media on 1.9.2015), the better option for NSCN(IM) is to be bold and frank with the Nagas about the predicaments and the intricacies they have been facing in the process of negotiations. If sovereignty and integration are unattainable, say so. If not every Naga, there aresufficient sensible Nagas who can appreciate and accept the realities. Be frank, and allow those sensible Nagas to cut your hair, if justification warrants, instead of you trying to trim it yourself helplessly. I strongly believe that it is negotiable within the Nagas as far as utopianism and pragmatism are concerned. As for me, as an individual, I stand by pragmatism. The inclusiveness, frankness and transparency will be the basis for such understanding and it can lead to acceptability.
Meanwhile, we have to give liberty to those who may like to bask in their rigidity that nothing below sovereignty is acceptable provided they do not become a menace to progress and prosperity of the fellow Nagas.
The Interlocutor Ravi has adequately stated that Naga settlement will not be in piecemeal and therefore it has to be inclusive. I believe in this commitment that he means business, although the practical approach is not seen implemented as yet. In other words, no other faction is reportedly known to have been officially invited to have the dialogue. It is time for NSCN(IM) leadership to proportionately reciprocate by means of overcoming the temptations of egoism and prove their leadership maturity in upholding the principle of inclusiveness.
If NSCN(IM) likes to claim superiority over other groups, do it so by means of magnanimity and without selfishness, vindictiveness and pride.
Under the banner of inclusiveness, no other faction, when invited, should have any inhibition from participation when the GOI is found to be sincere today in trying to resolve the political issue. Under such circumstances, let us seek God’s guidance, forget the past, prove our worth that as much ability we have to divide ourselves that much capability we have to unite when required and collectively work out the best arrangement this time with which we can have political recess. If we miss this opportunity, it will be a greater regret, much greater than the aforementioned regrets.
If not, when the accord is brought under the banner of exclusiveness, the following points of discord, I presume (as the contents are not known), may welcome the Accord with further debates.
a) Disparity: The disparity in regard to owning States. When some Nagas owning two States instead of one at the cost of other Nagas possessing only one State.
b) Neo-Fascism: If freedom in democracy is to be substituted by neo fascism.
The other imperative question is when an Accord under the exclusive banner or inclusive banner is agreed upon, whether the contents so agreed will be a mere administrative order or those will be incorporated to the Constitution of India like Art 371(A). The first option is a simple matter, as we all know, that a Secretary of GOI will issue an order to that effect and we all know how ad hoc such order will be. Whereas, the second option will have to rout through both Houses of Parliament, and in the process two thirds majority in each house will have to approve. Not being a lawyer, this is myn layman’s knowledge.

By EMN Updated: Sep 24, 2015 9:53:24 pm
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