Biren, Khandu Jointly Launch Project NEW - Eastern Mirror
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Biren, Khandu jointly launch project NEW

By Sobhapati Samom Updated: Oct 07, 2022 11:40 pm
Biren Khandu jointly launch project NEW
N Biren Singh and Pema Khandu jointly launched the project NEW after the inaugural session of the 8th edition of the Young Leaders Connect 2022 in Imphal on Friday.

Our Correspondent

Imphal, Oct. 7 (EMN): Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh and Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu jointly launched the project NEW (Northeast-region Entrepreneurs’ World) in Imphal on Friday.

Project NEW is the first skill-mapping database that will record the skill aspirations of the youths of the North East Region and this project seeks to develop unique mapping programmes for unemployed youths in all the eight North East states.

The project was launched after the inaugural session of the 8th edition of the Young Leaders Connect 2022 held under the aegis of North-East Leaders Connect (NELC) here at the City Convention Centre on the theme ‘Northeast India 2030: Towards India’s Innovative and Sustainable Growth.’

Addressing the conclave, Singh expressed confidence that this year’s edition of Young Leaders Connect will offer better insights to the trends and challenges in the North-East Region.

Mentioning that the Northeast Region, which is strategically located as the land gateway of India to South-East Asia, is blessed with abundant natural resources, rich cultural heritage, skilled human resources, colorful tribes and tourist attractions, he said the region has the potential to be another growth engine for the country in the 21st century.

He informed that Manipur start-up has transformed the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The state government has extended various support and assistance to a total of 5,796 entrepreneurs for a total project cost of INR 110 crore, to provide ample room for growth of entrepreneurship.

Later, Singh tweeted, “This conclave is highly important as it has brought together industry leaders, stakeholders, policymakers, CSOs, academia, and most importantly, the young leaders who will be working towards building a new North East and make the region a growth engine of the Nation.”

In his speech, Arunachal Pradesh chief minister said the time has come for the Northeast Region to play an important role in the country’s resolve to achieve the 5 trillion dollar economy. Khandu reminded that the region’s rich natural resources and fragile ecology must not be compromised by various growth paths taken up.

Stressing that the Northeast states has 8 percent of the country’s geographical area and 4 percent of its total population, he pointed out that the region contributes only a small share in national gross domestic product (GDP), India’s total food grain production, domestic and foreign tourists and also India’s total export.

Lok Sabha MP and NELC governing council member Gaurav Gogoi stated that Northeast states have a promising future with its potential youths, talents, culture and diversity. He expressed the need to tell others about both the glorious past and the promising future.

Panel discussion on ‘Unlocking the economic roadmap for North East India,’ ‘What will be the key sectors that will drive inclusive & sustainable growth in North East India’ and conversation with young leaders of North East India, were the main highlights of this year’s Young Leaders Connect conclave.

By Sobhapati Samom Updated: Oct 07, 2022 11:40:15 pm
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