Published on Aug 22, 2023
DIMAPUR — The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Dimapur, Dhansiripar block, organised a method demonstration on ‘Line transplanting of paddy’ at Amaluma village and ‘Nursery bed preparation for cabbage’ at Doyapur village on August 17.
The objective of line transplanting of paddy was to create awareness on maintaining proper spacing and use of young seedlings in order to obtain maximum tillers and yield.
The important benefits of the traditional method were explained in detail and discussed during the programme, an update stated.
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1]During the demonstration at Doyapur, seedbeds were prepared with the help of the farmers who also participated in planting the seeds.
The importance of making seedbed nurseries was emphasised along with management practices of nursery beds, until transplantation to the main field for the cabbage.
After the demonstration seeds of cabbage, tomato, lettuce and onion were also distributed to the farmers. KaihoAchumi (ATM) and Viketouzo (ATM) were the resource persons of the demonstration.
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