
Apex Legends shows off new character in Season 14 trailer

Published on Jul 26, 2022



Apex Legends Vantage new character
Apex Legends' newest character, Vantage. Photo: Respawn Entertainment.

Apex Legends is getting a new character come August 9 as part of the the game’s Hunted update, Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts announced Monday.

Vantage, whose real name is Mara Contrares, is a hunter who grew up with her mother on the desolate, icy planet Págos. EA described her as, "raised on the barren ice planet of Págos, Vantage learned the hard way to become the ultimate survivor."

EA and Respawn Entertainment revealed the new legend in a new animated short in the Stories from the Outlands series called "Survive." Vantage is primarily going to be a ranged legend with special abilities ranging from tracking enemies to weilding a customised sniper rifle. She will also have a winged companion called Echo, and her tactical ability lets her grapple toward Echo. Her passive skill will let her know the enemy legend’s shield, squad size, and distance from her team.

It looks like Vantage could become a must-have support legend for any Apex team. She could be a good alternative to Bloodhound and her ability to grapple towards Echo might make her an agile character that can get in and out of gunfights quickly.

Respawn has yet to officially reveal the new legend's abilities. For now, we just have her back story. The company will reveal new details once the season launch trailer is released on July 28 and also the Apex Legends Season 14: Hunted update set to begin on August 9.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. There is also a mobile version of the game on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.