Dimapur, Sep. 23 (EMN): Agriculture Production Commissioner (APC) of Nagaland, Y Kikheto Sema, inspected the ongoing construction of the new Directorate of Agriculture at New Capital Complex, Kohima, on September 23.
A DIPR report stated that the APC was accompanied by the director of Agriculture, other senior officers and the superintendent engineer of the department.
The APC expressed his concern on the slow pace of work being carried out which began during 2012-13. He also lamented that the construction remained almost static over the years although the payment has almost been cleared amounting to INR 15.39 crore.
He directed the director and the engineer to convey to the contractor that since payment has almost been made in full, there should not be any further delay and the work should be completed and that the directorate should move to the new building by January 2023, it stated.
Kikheto also stated that for the last nearly 17 years, the state has spent huge money for construction of about 40 directorate buildings, mostly under negotiated loan of HUDCO.
“Delays in completion of work beyond the stipulated period have huge financial implications on the state as the state has to repay the loan with high rate of interest,” Kikheto said.