ANAHTA reacts to DoSE warning, says agitation will continue
The All Nagaland Aggrieved Hindi Teachers Association (ANAHTA) has strongly reacted to the press statement of DoSE, which was carried in local dailies on November 24, warning to take action against the agitating Hindi teachers.
It asserted that the agitation at the DoSE office on November 25 will be attended by majority of the aggrieved Hindi teachers from all over Nagaland and that the democratic agitation will continue until the grievances of the aggrieved teachers are addressed. The aggrieved teachers should not be forced to work on empty stomachs, ANAHTA convenor Keneikhrielie, in a release today, said.
The release said as per the DoSE statement, an agreement was signed by certain individuals and officials of the ANHTA while clarifying that whatever agreement(s) that may have been ‘executed’ do not reflect the opinion of the aggrieved Hindi teachers nor do it solve the problems.
The purported agreement(s) have rather aggravated the hapless situation of the aggrieved teachers, the ANAHTA said while rejecting the agreement(s) as null and void. “The agreement signed on behalf of the aggrieved teachers is done by applying their individual wisdom and some of their supporters,” the association stated. It also clarified that the thumping majority of the aggrieved teachers has rejected any/all of such undertaking(s) and decided to go ahead with the proposed agitation.
The ANAHTA also depreciated the warnings issued to the aggrieved members and said it is agitating against the injustice and inaction of the department. “The department instead of solving the problem has been tendering one excuse after the other and shifting the responsibility with blame games instead of redressing the issue at hand,” the association maintained.
Stating that it is exercising maximum restraints to air the grievances through democratic means, the association demanded solution should precede warnings.
It has also informed that it accepted the resignation of the ex-convenor who was also the signatory of the purported rejected agreement on November 23 and relieved the other members of the association representing different districts of their responsibilities within the association with immediate effect.
The demands of the aggrieved Hindi teachers include pay, arrears and 6th ROP as committed with immediate effect, the ANAHTA said and made it clear that their fundamental demands cannot be compromised with unfruitful agreements and warnings.
Maintaining that the issue has been complicated and aggravated by misgivings and misunderstandings by deviating from the main issue, the association said the problem has not been solved as the officials and the government and added that instead of solving the issue they have resorted to blame game and shifting responsibilities.