FRIDAY, MARCH 07, 2025


Amid era of strife, dialogue platform takes peace message to villages

Published on May 29, 2019



Dimapur, May 28 (EMN): In a decade that has been experiencing relentless political upheavals, communal conflicts and socio-economic unrest across India, peacemaking is no more an auxiliary concept. It is now a core value and solution that people and society urgently need to employ. With that emphasis, the dialogue platform Peace Channel conducted various events in Dimapur to disseminate lessons in the culture of peace and peacemaking in the community. ‘Dialogues’ and seminars were conducted by the group at Kacharigaon Phevima village in Dimapur and Jakhama village in Kohima, recently. The Peace Channel issued separate press releases on Monday offering updates about the events. A ‘dialogue’ on peace building in Nagaland was held at Phevima village’s Panchayat hall on May 25, the organisers informed. In collaboration with Kacharigaon council, Peace Channel organized a program on the topic of ‘ecumenical dialogue and peace-building in Nagaland. Members of different community leaders comprising women, youth and students participated in the programme, a press release on the Phevima programme stated. Elizabeth Humtsoe, an assistant professor at the Dimapur City Law College, was the moderator for the session. She was stated to have explained the meaning of “ecumenical dialogue,” and the main purpose of the dialogue, which is to develop closer relations between the denominations. Humtsoe stated that the programme was to equip the participants with ideas, and exchange views about handling conflict in the society even though there is no outward conflict. ‘There is always an inner conflict, in the form of hatred, non-acceptance, and many more,’ the participants were told. Humtsoe said every individual has different good qualities, and urged the participants not to use the ‘gift of love and understanding from God to judge and discriminate others.’ She talked also about focusing on the ‘shift from our micro identity to macro identity.’ Exposing others on social media is also a form of conflict, she said. The participants also spoke their views on peace and the reasons that cause conflict, the press release stated. “Irrespective of any religion and denominations, peace can be obtained when individuals do their work sincerely and honestly showing transparency in their work. There is no conflict when there is transparency,” the press release explained. “Christianity is not a religion but faith and our action based on faith in Christ will lead us forward.” An unnamed participant was said to have given an opinion that “religion is another issue which lack peace and divides people in our society as through religion developed our faith yet it is filled with criticism and this in turn affects family and society.” Another participant, also unnamed in the press release, expressed views on ‘tribalism’ saying that it was a ‘disease’ in Nagaland. “When tribalism diminishes, peace will prevail,” the participant was quoted as having said. “The negative aspect of the use of social media by the youths was also highlighted. Youths talk a lot in social media but take no action. To eradicate tribalism, the practice of inter- tribal marriage and the need of a common language among the Nagas was advised by the participant,” the press release added. Jakhama In collaboration with the Jakhama village council, in Kohima, the Peace Channel organised a smiliar programme themed on peace-building in Nagaland. During the programme, the event’s moderator K Victor was quoted as having said that social media was one of the major causes of tension ‘which is affecting people in many ways including religious views in today’s scenario.’ A separate press release from the Jakhama event stated: “Youngsters should be the change agent in the society since it is the most active stage to help oneself and the society. Youngster’s stamina should be positive enough to change themselves and the people around them. Society is going weaker in many ways as we do not listen to our elders. Listening to elders and parents will help every individual to mould themselves in every aspect of life.” The moderator said to have travelled to different districts of Nagaland, during which he saw that the ‘one very common thing’ was the absence of peace, and the prevalence of disunity among different churches “even when 98% of the population are Christians.” Christians should not to criticize one another but should live in peace and harmony and to come together as one for the betterment of the society, Victor said. ‘Are we relying on the government or other organizations for change? Whose job is it?’ he queried. Church leaders at the programme also “shared their knowledge,” the press release stated. The participants were told to not forget the “good practices” of their forefathers and “should not be taken away by the worldly views and negativism of some people.” People who have peace within them and spread peace ‘look beautiful,’ the participants were told. “If a person has no peace of mind, he or she cannot solve problems in life so we should try to understand people and allow peace to come in our life so that we can share it with people around us.” Another unnamed speaker was said to have said at the programme that ‘peace and love’ should be above everything else. ‘Unless the Nagas have peace among ourselves, we will not move forward towards a better society. We need to come together and think critically about this issue and solve problem with prayer,’ the speaker said, according to the press release. The women leaders who were present at the program are said to have opined that to pray for everyone is the duty of every elder and parent; a responsibility of every human being to fear God and forgive one another. This will lead to peace and harmony in all the societies, they said. Members of four churches and the village council attended the programme, the updates informed.