
All the King's Horses

Published on Oct 8, 2023




With fluttering smiles on my lips, sometimes I get lost in my nostalgic day time reverie, while recollecting our kindergarten hit poem "All the King's horses and all the king's men could not put humpty dumpty together again" yet other times I get a hard knock which rings in my ears thats says, what If? What if these sorts of innocent comedies turn into a tragic comic for the Nagas.

The recent spate of controversy spanning out of the infamous so called new market GB, Abdul Kayum Talukdar is something that bit by bit and tip by tip, yet in the long run could be perilous which could spell doom for Naga posteriors and for which 'All The Kings Horses And All The King's Men May Not Be Able To Put Back Together Again'

Personally I am very frustrated with my Naga folks because we are at all times very quick to jump to conclusions and without first addressing the core issues at hand always like to bombastically announce and throw all kinds of dirt against whom we love to hate.

The recent mudslinging upon an NPG faction, by individuals arising out of the arrest of Abdul Kayum Talukdar, who before asking themselves as to how a non Naga got to becoming a GB of new market and also for his alleged involvement in the shabby land scam which included Naga victims is so preposterous and ludicrous that little do they realise that the dirt they are throwing is most likely to ricochet and bounce back and explode into their own sorry faces.

Now, I have this question. Is it your naiveness or is it your hatred, abhorrence and bigotry against NPGs that you completely failed to realise that there could be a cat amongst the pigeons and a wolf amongst the sheeps and for which you, instead of aiming at the potential threat, were you all gunning for the wrong targets?

Perchance, if the allegation of Talukdar's involvement in the shabby land scam is proven to be true then it will literally mean that alas..!!! some of the unfortunate birds and sheeps have already been devoured by this character.

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According to a local electronic news channel, this person also had two other allegations against him, which he confirmed in his interview and claimed that he was given a clean chit by Khatkati police station, but now, how about these land scams again?

Here's the thing, we all know that, "No One Can Be Considered As Guilty Or Innocent Until Proven", however we also know that, "There Is No Smoke Without Fire And There Is No Heat Without A Flame"

Some wise guys had, with impunity even announced and had remarked prudently that Dimapur does not belong to Nagas which is a very outrageous, derogatory and a dangerous political rhetorics.

As far as Dimapur is concerned, everyone knows about the History of Ahoms, Kacharis, Dimasas, etc. so let us not delve into this history again and again.

Even America did not belong to the white settlers, but to the native Americans, including the Sioux, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Navajo, Odawa, the Crow people the Omaha people, the Apaches, etc. but these natives were continuously at war amongst themselves and at each others throats at all times which ultimately brought their downfall to near annihilation at the hands of the white settlers.

The fact is, whether we like it or not, History teaches us that nations, countries and empires were all forged in blood and war, settlements and successions, conquering and invasions, intrusions and expansions, etc. and hence the issue of land ownership could vary from time to time.

Another problem of us Nagas is, we have a "Foot In The Mouth Syndrome". We make remarks prudishly hoping to please everyone, yet end up pleasing no one. We feel as though we know everything, yet basically end up knowing nothing, but here's the deal, whether you are a prominent personality or a leader or a Ph.D holder in History, no one individually gets to decide what belongs to what and who belongs to who.

Having said all, we know that Naga society practices customs that may vary from tribe to tribe and when it comes to Village Chieftains and GBs, on one hand, the Konyak's Anghs, the Sumis Akukau/Kukami  and Kuki's Phung Upas (Clans Chief) and Kho Haosas (Village Chiefs) are purely hereditary in nature that passes down from father to son and so on. On the other hand the town/urban GBs and other Naga Tribal villages practices the system are democratic in nature.

Whatsoever, in both cases they are the guardians of the Naga customary laws and practices which embodies and encompasses the traditional aspects and values of Naga society, so now here's the pertinent question, is Mr. Talukdar, the so called GB of Nagaland's new market well versed in Naga customs or is he a guardian of the Naga customary laws and social practices? Was there no bonafide Naga left to hold the position of GB of Dimapur's new market? Is this not such a crying shame for us Nagas?

As suggested by DDGBA president K. Hokuto Zhimomi, a non Naga appointed as a representative of their respective communities in Nagaland, should be as sardaar/sirdaar or of other similar titles as such, and not as GB is a good suggestion that needs to be considered and pondered upon.

However, as far as Abdul Kayum Talukdar is concerned, the working president of MCD (Muslim Community Dimapur) Ahidur Rehman has clearly clarified in his recent interview that after the unfortunate death of the then GB Furkhan Uddin in 2008, the MCD had recommended Murtaza Hussian to take the rein of the Late GB, however somehow Talukdar (who was unknown to them) was parachuted from somewhere else and appointed GB, which does raise eyebrows.

Rehman also said that to be a representative of Muslim community, one should be a person who has the recommendation of the MCD which is an absolute logic in all true sense of the words.

Notwithstanding the allegations against Talukdar's involvement in the shabby land scams, and his (Talukdar's) subsequent denial, needs to be retrospected deeply by competent authority, and if proven guilty, should be tried under appropriate law, and the victims (whether Nagas or non Nagas) of this scam should immediately be delivered justice.

Furthermore the reason why Talukdar needs to be interogated seriously and to not succumb to his denial theatrics is that the MCD's President had also expressed regrets that Talukdar has brought bad disrepute to the muslim community, which means 'Kuck Kuch Tu Hota Hai' and there is something about the allegations.

It is not only Talukdar but anyone, if found guilty of involvement in scams and fraudulent practices as alleged, then it is only fair that he/she is removed from whatever responsibilities he is holding.

I appreciate the wisdom and maturity of Joel Naga, the President of RPP, for coming forward and wanting to take the bull by the horns. Naga society needs young and dynamic leaders like him who are a force to be reckoned with. In his interview, he said that his Party and supporters will also approach the competent authority to not only revoke the appointment of Talukdar as GB but also cancel all the RPCs (Residential Proof Certificates) or PRCs (Permanent Residential Certificates) or any other certificates issued by him, most probably to non Nagas in hundreds (if not thousands) and also cancel all the other trade or driving licences or any other follow up certificates that were availed through the NOCs and RPCs/PRCs issued by Talukdar.

It is very disheartening and unbecoming as to why some Naga leaders (not all) including some politicians, bureaucrats, administrators or NPG leaders choose to stake Naga's future just because they want to wallow in accolades and praises from their beneficiaries or simply because they are too selfish and narcissistic for they only think about their present existence of luxurious easy go lucky life, completely unaware that their children's future is being compromised whilst they are revelling and basking in the kudos, fake respects and the kisses from the honey lips of some of their patronised clients but who may stand as potential threats and usurpers of Nagas future.

"All Is Not Well"

The recent unfortunate news of suicide of a young boy of 19, Late Pashiu Khiamniungan simply for stealing a chicken is a very sorry state of affairs.

How can a person be given double penalties for such a petty crime??

Firstly, the young man was said to have been excommunicated from the area where he stole the chicken with all social stigmas attached to not only him but to his whole family and again subsequently, some wannabe smart guys approaching the police to file a 'Suo Motto' FIR leading to his arrest and being locked up which literally depressed him so much that he unfortunately took this extreme step of ending his own life with the string of his pyjamas.

Secondly, the police personel on duty that night should be held accountable because they utterly failed to perform their duties, since a person under custody are not allowed to keep belts, rings, bracelets, necklaces or items of such which an inmate could potentially harm themselves out of depression whilst in the lock up.

The sad fact here is, while some hardcore criminal of murders, rapes and even pedophiles are walking freely in the wind, a young boy who simply stole a chicken was subjected to double penalty of shame, excommunication, and possibly harrasment on one hand and being locked up in a thana on the other hand that led him to tragically take his own sorry life out of sheer mental agony and frustrations, but which tells us that "All Is Not Well In Our Naga Society". A society full of self proclaiming "Do Gooders, Self Righteousness and Hollier Than Thou" mindsets.

To Late Young Pashiu

Brother, I am very sorry and I feel very terrible to think as to what painful thoughts you must have endured for being punished twice for such a small and petty offense, and how frustrating you must have felt against this 'self righteous' society of ours while painfully deciding to take this extreme steps of taking your own precious and young life.

Had I known in the first place, I would have given you the chickens, not one, not two, not three but even ten or twenty chickens you wanted.

Nevertheless, if there is a thing called 'Life After Death' I hope you find a reason to smile again and forgive all those who shamed, harassed and embarrassed you for such a delinquent mistake that pushed you to oblivion of heartaches and pains.

Rest In Eternal Peace, my brother.

Nota Bene: Above views are all expressed in individual capacity and does not reflect the views of any organisation that I may represent whatsoever.

Amento V.Chophi (AV Chophi)