A Reminder To Our People — NNC - Eastern Mirror
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A Reminder to Our People — NNC

By EMN Updated: Jul 11, 2020 9:00 pm

It is a known fact that the sovereign birthright of our nation is undisputable. The Nagas are not Indians and Nagaland does not belong to India. Thus, it is the bounden responsibility of our people to unitedly safeguard our birthright as a nation. Today our youngsters are by the grace of God rapidly advancing in all fronts and increasing knowledge at all. Therefore we are proud of them and we strongly hope that our young people will gallantly face the challenges ahead and defend our right as a nation by following the footprints and written guideline of A.Z. Phizo, father of the Naga nation in 1984.

The guideline “OUR OBJECTIVE” reads:

1. Our international objective is to be A Man among men and to be a Nation among nations.

2. Our objective in life is to live in harmony with our fellow men and be of service to others at all times.

3. What is our AIM for our people?

Every Naga is free and equal from birth; whether man or woman, boy or girl we want to see that every individual Naga understands his or her right as a Naga.

And we want every one of our people to FEEL the wonderful birthright which we have inherited to live in a society of Pure Democracy evolved by our Forefathers.

4. We want to preserve our HERITAGE forever to come.

Apart from Pure Democracy as a way of life the Nagas have another great Heritage, and that is, Land belongs to the people as private and personal property, individually as well as collectively; As such, every Naga is a sovereign in his and her own right. This is a very rare heritage indeed. And this is our BIRTHRIGHT. And we must nurture it and jealousy uphold it forever to come so that no wicked upstart will ever attempt to usurp our individual sovereignty which is our birthright.

The land on which you stand belongs to nobody else but it is absolutely and entirely yours as a gift from our forefathers. Nobody else has any right to claim over to and it is entirely up to you to preserve it on to your descendants, generation after generations. And please know that nothing is more permanent in this world than the land that belongs to you as your own.

1) Your birthright as a sovereign person,

2) Your possession of land as your own personal property,

3) And, the way of life in Nagaland which is rooted in the system of pure democracy,

these three institutions are the highest human achievements mankind has been yearning for and this is what we have inherited from our forefathers.  

By EMN Updated: Jul 11, 2020 9:00:00 pm
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