A Multi-faceted Isak Sumi - Eastern Mirror
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A multi-faceted Isak Sumi

By EMN Updated: Aug 19, 2015 10:06 pm

It is unfortunate but how can one deny the fact. After all, facts do not cease to exist simply because they are ignored. NSCN-K has actually become a one-man organization. It is one and only Mr. Isak Sumi who sometimes become MIP Secretary, sometimes PRO, sometimes H.Eshu Heangpa, sometimes a finance secretary in-charge of NSCN-K, sometimes he also becomes the spokesperson of NSCN-K.One does not know how many names and post a man holds in an organization like NSCN-K. Apart from Isak I don’t think there is any body left to read and write and therefore, it is Isak who is doing all the writing on behalf of Khaplang according to his flimsy and fanciful thoughts. Mr. Isak, is it not true that, you have never written a single word on sovereignty in the Myanmar media to which country your President and chairman belongs? Is it not true that, you do not have the guts to break ceasefire with Union of Myanmar or may be you and your president is interested only on the sovereignty of the Nagas of Indian side? Is it not true that, you are doing all the writing without consulting your president Khaplang? Is it not true, that you know nothing about Eastern Nagaland, except sheltering yourself? Is it not true that, you are actually doing nothing to support the people of eastern Nagaland in their day-to-day life except troubling them and living on them? Is it not true that, it was none other than Niki Sumi who expelled you in 2013 and yet you choose to be with him simply to fill your coffers along with him? Is it not true that, you are enjoying the fruits of ceasefire signed by our hon’ble President and Ato kilonser in Khamti, with the Union of Myanmar? Humans, are by nature selfish but, the level of selfishness shown by the trio (Niki sumi, Isak Sumi and Starson) is trivial, and exceptional.I want to know from Mr. Isak if Mr. Khaplang did anything in eastern Nagaland, which can be of any significant or form the basis for Naga sovereignty in the decades of Naga political movement? A man who was a failure in the past will remain a failure even in the future. Yes, to serve the purposes of India he may keep creating problems here and there against the fellow Nagas or by associating with the other insurgent groups he can only complicate the Naga political issue against the fellow Nagas on the Indian side.
Good that you have exposed yourself, what you are by naming few more handful of konyak who are still with NSCN-K. Let me remind you that, they are in NSCN-K, not because of people like you but, they have set an example of what is called genuine faith and trust unlike you who keep changing sides according to time and situation. You must learn from them, it is an example of the long affinity that the Pangmi’s and the Konyak family share. They were in NSCN-K even while you were with NSCN-U/KK, They were with NSCN-K even while you were expelled by your mentor Niki Sumi. I only wonder, how long will you keep around fooling our innocent brothers and live on them in the name of sovereignty?

Ministry of Information and Publicity,

By EMN Updated: Aug 19, 2015 10:06:08 pm
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