A Layman’s Thoughts On ENPO Demand - Eastern Mirror
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A Layman’s Thoughts on ENPO Demand

By EMN Updated: Dec 14, 2022 8:47 pm

The deafening silence maintained by the various Naga Tribal bodies, Civil Societies, NGOs, intellectuals over the ENPO demand for Frontier Nagaland has humbly compelled me to jot down few points of apprehension as a concerned citizen.

That, I am neither against nor in favour of the demand made by the ENPO for a Frontier Nagaland state. But this demand seems bit jittery and cannot be trusted in the overall concept and its ramification. Nagaland is one of the smallest states where the people are necessarily dependant on others for basic survival. However, the coming together of different ethnic tribal groups under the banner of Nagaland has made the state awesome in terms of natural beauty, richness in cultural heritage, tradition and customs. These hotspots combinations have intrigued many and prompted people worldwide to pay visit to the state and know more about the diversities of Indigenous Tribals. It is pertinent to point out that among the different Naga tribes, the Eastern Naga tribes are considered to be shrewd, hardworking and agile. These eloquent traits of the Eastern people are well known to the rest of the Naga tribes. To add on, it is the Eastern Nagas who are still practicing and preserving their age old tradition, cultural ethos with true essence. At this juncture, if a new state is created it would be the most regretable moment for me. Nevertheless, if the Eastern friends feel they have attain wisdom, knowledge, expertise, financial acumen and status of living at par with others and ready to leave the rest of the Nagas then I extend my heartiest good luck wishes for their bold decision and endeavour to go ahead to tryst with destiny. However, if that is not the driving force then truth needs to be told to the Nagas. Fried temper, emotional feelings, misgivings or rhetoric on the lack of development, less representation of MLAs, improper allotted fund distribution, etc. should not be the epicenter of the grievances. In that case, ENPO needs to reconsider their decision to this effect in the larger interest of the Naga race.

The demand for frontier state should not bring bad precedent to posterity. The world politico-economy is growing at unpredictable pace and if this small state of Nagaland is fragmented into two, time may not be that far when the whole Naga people would be subjugated and annihilated by outside world..

Kesao Kesiezie
Kohima Village

By EMN Updated: Dec 14, 2022 8:47:18 pm
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