ENPO Censure Pangsha Border Fencing - Eastern Mirror
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ENPO censure Pangsha border fencing

By EMN Updated: Jan 06, 2017 12:36 am

Dimapur, Jan. 5: The ENPO has resolved to not to allow movement of ‘any organizations/agencies across international boundaries through Eastern Nagaland’ without prior permission from ENPO, Konyak Union, Khiamniungan Tribal Council and Yimchunger Tribal Council.

This decision was taken during a joint meeting between ENPO and its constituent units on December 29 last at Pangsha village in connection with the construction of the controversial border fence along the Indo-Myanmar border at Pangsha.
The ‘ENPO Pangsha Resolution’ include: “It was unanimously resolved that, the ENPO and its 6 federating tribal units shall strongly oppose the ongoing (and proposed) construction of international border fencing along Indo-Myanmar border by the Myanmar government at Pangsha village (and length & breadth of Eastern Nagaland).

“ENPO, KTC and remaining 5 federating tribal units shall jointly pursue the matter basing on the memorandum submitted by KTC to the prime minister of India on 12th December 2016 through the chief secretary of Nagaland, and as requested to the prime minister of India by the chief minister of Nagaland and chief secretary of Nagaland for taking up the matter with the Myanmar counterpart in this regard,” informed a press release from the ENPO on Thursday.

After the meeting, the ‘ENPO public’ visited the spot and interacted with both Indian and Myanmar army personnel stationed there. In a separate statement, the ‘working group of Naga political groups namely GPRN/NSCN (Neokpao/Kitovi) NSCN (R), NNC (parent Body) (Z Royim/V Nagi) NNC/GDRN (Kiumukam/Hetoi) NNC/NPGN) (Temjenyanger/Hozheto)’ stated that it was a ‘policy to create further rift within the Naga family and to completely marginalise and weaken the strong historical, cultural, social, political and emotional affinity between Nagas spread across artificial boundary.’

“The NNPGs appeal to all Naga tribes in India and Myanmar to rise up against the sinister policy at work. We must prevent occupational forces from setting up boundaries between us in our homeland against our will,” it stated.

By EMN Updated: Jan 06, 2017 12:36:14 am
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