Dilemma Of Stunted Nurses - Eastern Mirror
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Dilemma of Stunted Nurses

By EMN Updated: Sep 16, 2016 11:44 pm

I as a public take a serious note of the sever shortfall of staff Nurses as per staffing pattern in District Hospitals, PHC3 and CHC3 which appeared in the Local dailies recently.

With the subsequent up-gradation of these Health Centres, the staffing pattern strangely stunted for reasons unknown and it should serve as an eye-opener for all Nagas specially the rural populous.

The wealthy and the well-to-do Nagas barring a few are least bothered as private clinics/hospitals where facilities and therapies are better and upto-date comparatively can serve their purpose. But what about your lowly brethren who opts for Governmental clinics/ Hospitals where not even one (except one or two) is in conformity with modern technology and staffing pattern as should be. The authorities should realize that treatment for a commoner in private Hospitals even for a few weeks could eke out their entire life’s savings.

It is pertinent to note that we city dwellers are all rooted to the rural villages and needless to say we all have our Kith and Kin out there who are facing the brute of inequality.

The Health care department should be impartial and good Health Care system should not be confined only to Kohima or Dimapur alone but formulate a comprehensive programe to facilitate other rural areas with requisite number of staff Nurses and Doctors apart from infrastructures and modern amenities.

The authorities should not side-step the lapses in the system and remain complacent.

In conducive tones I as a public appeal to Health authorities for augmentation of staffing pattern in conformity with the up-graded Hospitals and other health Centres and deliver justice to the rural people of Nagaland.

The Dilemma/Grievances of the Unemployed Trained Nurses Association (UTNA) is genuine and the atrocity perpetuated to their careers is very unfortunate.

The training sponsored by the Government is job-oriented and mentored by well qualified tutors. These Nurse Cadets passed out with flying colors only to be denied jobs or wait-in-line for nearly two decades, some of who are sole bread-earners in the family. This is clear indication of out-right injustice and nothing less of an execution under the firing squad. Surprisingly only 17 posts of Staff Nurses have been created since 1989 upto date.

Now it is upto the Health authorities to Zip or Unzip the woes of the Nurses as well as the rural public and the public look forward towards a better health care system throughout Nagaland.

Rozo C Naga

By EMN Updated: Sep 16, 2016 11:44:49 pm
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