Truth Speakers For Truth Seekers - Eastern Mirror
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Truth Speakers for Truth Seekers

By EMN Updated: Oct 19, 2024 10:02 pm

Awake and Stand up Tall- For His Word

The State has been shaken, Families, institutions, schools, colleges, universities, churches, pastors and those who call themselves that, have been stunned by the recent developments in the life of just one individual.

Or has it? For those who have not been shaken yet, or are still unaware, wake up. For those who are shaken, here some simple suggestions. You can take them or leave them. If it helped someone, praise God. If not this event, there will be other ones, maybe more severe, that will be a hard hit on people. The goal of the following words is to bring peace and see a bigger picture- God’s picture in it all. Here 7 pointers.

Pointer no 1- Realise the time we are living in if you hold God’s Word as your standard

According to the Word of God, we are living in a time of perilous or dangerous, grievous, difficult times! Why? Besides the signs given in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 by Jesus own Words,   Paul wrote the following Words to Timothy in his second letter to him. Timothy was his closest disciple.

He gave him a prophecy about the times we are now living in. If you read this carefully, you will take these words to heart, wake up and recalibrate your life.

Godlessness in the Last Days

2Ti 3:1 But you need to be aware that in the final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce and difficult for the people of God.

2) People will be self-cantered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families. They will be ungrateful and ungodly.

3) They will become addicted to hateful and malicious slander. Slaves to their desires, they will be ferocious, belligerent haters of what is good and right.

4) With brutal treachery, they will act without restraint, bigoted and wrapped in clouds of their conceit. They will find their delight in the pleasures of this world more than the pleasures of the loving God.

5) They may pretend to have a respect for God, but in reality they want nothing to do with God’s power. Stay away from people like these! (The Passion Translation)

What our state used to be some time back, 10 years back, 40 years back, is not what it is now.

We cannot be so ignorant and gullible to think it can never happen in a Christian State. It shouldn’t. However according to the Word of God, we were warned.

Can we turn it around? YES! How? In the way we respond individually and as a whole, as the body of Christ

Pointer no 2- Watch your response- look at your own life first

When it concerns someone else it is so easy, to point fingers, God’s grace does not give us a license to sin. But a guarantee to WIN and overcome anything that is not according to the standard of His Word. Instead of taking an excuse that your “sin may be lesser”, clean up your life and make it shine so bright it can stand His light and the light society will eventually shine upon your life.

Pointer no 3- What are you going to do about it?

The Biblical way is to forgive no matter what and let God judge the matter. We all will stand alone before God, having to give an account for our own lives. Consequences of sin though, while we live, will be there and we cannot be so foolish to think we will get away with hurting others. Like it says: it will catch up with us. Those things that were hidden, will come to the light. The law is for law breakers, no matter what you call yourself. If you break the law, the law has the consequences spelled out for you.

Pointer no 4- Are you going to be angry at God of why He “allowed” it to happen?

This earth has been given to us to rule over. We are responsible for what is happening down here. He will not overstep the boundary of the authority He has given to man.

His response will be when we try to point our finger at Him: “Why are you allowing bad things to happen to those you care for?”

Psa. 115:16 The heavens belong to our God; they are his alone, but he has given us the earth and put us in charge.

Pointer no 5- Will you stand in prayer and support of those who have been so badly affected?

In any situation, be it flooding, landslides, scandals, crime, we have a duty to pray for those who are the most affected. If close loved ones or friends, we naturally will. If farther away, will we still? Prayer is a powerful weapon. God is a God who hears the prayers of those who sincerely seek Him according to Hebrews 11:6. So if you feel you cannot do anything, you can pray!

Pointer no 6- Which matters to take in our own hands and which ones not?

If you have neglected to become aware of the laws of the land, now is a good time. Get educated in it. The excuse: “I did not know” will not hold water, when you are faced in a situation when you should have known better. If someone is in your care, whether young or old, whether for a short or longer time, you need to be a “watchman” for the sake of those in your care.

Pointer no 7- Trust God for your life and that of your loved ones

If you do the right thing, stand for what is right, and respond the right way; you can trust that God is backing you and your family up. Study the life of Joseph in the Bible. He is a shining example of coming out on top, no matter what!

Awake and Rise up dear readers. And respond the way His Son and He Himself would respond, would they be here. Can they count you in to respond Godly?



By EMN Updated: Oct 19, 2024 10:02:34 pm
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