Quo Vadis – Where Are You Going? - Eastern Mirror
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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Quo Vadis – Where are you Going?

By EMN Updated: Oct 15, 2024 11:00 pm

The Naga political movement has been active from its inception till date. There have been stories of happiness and tears in the search for Naga’s solution. With years, new shoots began to sprout with different visions and action plans. The new shoots forsook the parents due to ideological differences. They became enemies for fewer reasons. They hunted each other in towns, villages and jungles. Power was manifested in the number of people killed by their crafty hands. The visions, mission and objectives of Naga nationalism began to die a slow death. The deviation is more visible to this generation.

All political groups are sacrificing themselves for Nagas. A big salute to true Naga patriots. However, some groups are sacrificing the members of other groups and the public and call it “freedom and sovereignty”. Naga freedom nimitease to ‘My blood for the nation’ has turned to ‘others blood for the nation’. “I am fighting for the Naga nation; all Nagas must pay their allegiance to me. Failure to do so will be terminated at all costs.” Ohh! It sounds good, but this is not what Nagas want. Nagas want a peaceful solution with a peaceful means.

Nagas want the various existing groups to be united. However, it seems impossible due to various ideological differences. With good guidance, time and space will unite them. Contrastingly, everybody wants to be a leader. One group claims to be more patriotic than others. Every group wants to be the face of Nagaland in the search for a solution. The political groups see the goal from different perspectives and claim it to be the ultimate truth. The truth about Naga’s solution has become more relative than ever. This led to the emergence of numerous groups which are becoming a threat to Nagas themselves. Nagas are eating themselves. When we attain a peaceful solution, there will be less Nagas to enjoy the fruit.

Today, most ordinary people are fed up with the Naga political groups. The increase in the number of groups has not energised the process of a peaceful solution. It blocked the process even more. It became a burden to Nagas. Various factors like illegal taxation, extortion, kidnapping, and threats have been associated with Naga national workers. Why is it so? History speaks for itself. Talk to businessmen and women, local entrepreneurs. They are all fed up with the existing system caused by the Naga political groups. They go around from simple paan shops to big shopping malls. Failure to meet their demand would result in threats, kidnapping and even death. This is how life goes on in Nagaland. Are Naga protectors killing the Nagas in the name of freedom? Is death more important than life? This is not the right approach for any political group. A good cause must be animated with good deeds. No group is good or bad in itself. However, the actions that flow from some groups are not in line with the search for a peaceful solution. They only disturb the still waters of Nagaland. Iralu K.D. (2017) stated that Nagas have been waging a war of self-defence for their geographical land. They want to live in their land without fear and domination as free citizens of a free country…. People have changed with the change of time. Who is creating fear among the Nagas? It is the Nagas themselves who claim to free the whole Nagas from every shackle. The terrorising Indian army of the past is replaced by numerous Naga political groups. The Nagas want India to recognise their sovereignty and independence. For this, many Nagas laid down their lives. As early as 10th January 1929, the Nagas declared that they would not join the Union of India (Swu, S. 2023). Later, the birth of political groups and the imposition of AFSPA made the situation even worse to live freely in acclaimed land. All political groups must work for the best of Nagaland to derive the best outcome positively.

Can we achieve Naga solution by illegal taxation, extortion, kidnapping, threat, violence and killing? If that is so, we should promote a ‘violent solution’ rather than a ‘peaceful solution’. Are Naga political groups engaging themselves in the wrong means under the pretext of the Naga solution? Who gave free access to them to do whatever they wanted in the name of ‘freedom fighters?’Those in search of freedom should not end up terrorising people. This is not the kind of life Nagas expect. If there is no freedom in the search for freedom, sovereignty and a peaceful solution, it will destroy Nagas to pieces. These pieces are already active in the form of the number of groups that emerged in the name of Naga political groups. If freedom is your right, it is also the right of the other person. Give the same to others. Let us grow together. Let us promote the lives of the people.

Quo Vadis – Where are you going? The road to violence will not bring a peaceful solution. The path of guns and bullets will not bring a peaceful solution. Naga solution is political by nature. Let no group politicise it again with their selfish interest. Every group is right in its own way, but there can be a lack of objective collective rights. Are we missing the road to a peaceful solution? The more we miss it, the more it affects people in various forms. The emergence of new political groups continues to confuse the Nagas as to where they are going. Are we heading for self-construction or self-destruction? The day-to-day event in Nagaland will answer. The march towards a peaceful solution should be peaceful enough to be held high by all.

At the start of the Naga political movement, the members were highly regarded and respected. They were given free food and shelter. Measures were taken by the villagers to keep them safe from the Indian army. The public supported them for they positively engaged themselves for the well-being of the Naga nation. All these declined when self-interest became higher than the interest of the Nagas. The division began to mushroom. Some mushrooms became poisonous to Nagas. Therefore, those who promote terrorism in Nagaland must re-examine their goal and travel the path of peace. Nagas are searching for a peaceful solution, not a violent solution. Everyone wants to reap a good harvest, but some people are soiling our land with bad manure. We treat each other unjustly and expect the central Government to always give the best treatment. This is not possible. Respect the life of each other before you give life to the Naga nation.

The ceasefire agreement between the Government and the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (IM) faction on 25th July 1997 brought some good news to Nagas. But the reality is not the same anymore. Negotiation continues till today. Ceasefire agreements are signed with other political groups. The side effects are known to Nagas alone. The fire inside Nagaland has not ceased. It is gradually burning Nagas to ashes. Let us cease to do evil. Let us promote the life of each other before bigger disasters overtake us. Let us not destroy Nagaland. Let us build Nagaland. The pride of Nagas lies in the good lives of all people with growth, development and progress.

Rev. Fr. G. L. Khing

NEISSR, Chümoukedima


By EMN Updated: Oct 15, 2024 11:00:55 pm
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