Truth Speakers For Truth Seekers - Eastern Mirror
Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Truth Speakers for Truth Seekers

By EMN Updated: Aug 24, 2024 10:45 pm

Are we prepared?

Picture yourself in an inner room. Safe though and you are there with someone you trust to inspect that room and making sure all is set and in order to be painted in a beautiful warm yellow colour. 

Where is that inner room and is it available for everyone? It sure is! If you would read the following words where you think they originated? Who wrote them?

“ So above all, guard the affections of your heart (inner man, mind, will, heart, understanding), for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life” ( from the Passion Translation of the Bible – Proverbs 4:23).

 That inner room is your innermost being where all your ideas, plans, thoughts originate! The good and bad ones. The bad decisions because of a wrong will, bad emotions and  because of wrong thoughts. What you ponder on will eventually come out.

If you are a born again person and made Jesus the Lord of your life, God took care of your spirit, your old nature and made it His nature. His Spirit is now dwelling in that inner room. How much you let Him? How is the inner room controlled?

Put in the right seeds! A seed is a word. Words are real, remember?

The one that allows entry to good or bad thoughts is you! If you allow a lot of bad thoughts (source: the enemy’s voice via social media, people, input from the wrong places, reports, etc.) that room will not look  very bright or pretty. It will colour your room and therefore your decisions and actions  pretty dark. Thoughts and therefore words and actions,  will come out of that inner room where all the planning takes place. However if you let the voice of The Holy Spirit, The Father and Jesus dwell there with you and let them influence it with their thoughts , that room will be bright , cheerful and peaceful and be able to face the challenges of life.  What goes in there are the words of life from the best sold book in the world: The Word of God! If you have a daily shower with His Word, you are getting prepared!

The problem with most people , even those who might call themselves Christians is their mind. Their inner room is not controlled. Their thoughts are undisciplined and wander everywhere. Their will is wishy washy, their character fluctuates. Their mouth is uncontrolled.

They either never truly repented or if they got back in sin somehow, they were not able, to pull themselves out of it as they are now too embarrassed to confess their sins because of their status or position. So they get deeper and deeper into a life they never “ planned for” . No one “ falls “ into sin. They walk into it because they already pondered on it and planned it in their inner room. 

True repentance means to turn from sin and to dedicate oneself to amendment and betterment for LIFE. Meaning for good! 1.It is an intellectual change (change of view) 2. An emotional change (change of feelings) 3. A volitional change (change of purpose)

Signs of true repentance are 1- Sin is recognised  and the need for God is acknowledged 2- Confession of sin is made before God and to God but also open and publicly (if you can sin in public, you can repent in public) It produces a divorce from sin 3- There is genuine sorrow of the sins committed because someone or more then one got hurt by their actions done or words said. 4,. – A decision is made to forsake sin meaning you turn away from it and never get back to it again. You have turned to God!

5- Restitution is done- meaning repayments, amendments , restoration, reimbursements are made with those that have been disadvantaged by their actions.

There will be shakings in our life but how will we face them if our inner room is clogged up with sin  and there is nothing stored up to defend ourselves? The enemy will give us a surprise attack again and again unless we can face him. Jesus went into the wilderness not to be tempted by the enemy but to prepare for battle afterwards. He fasted and prayed before the enemy came to meet Him. Remember the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness. Did the Holy Spirit leave Him there? Of course not. They fellowshipped, and Jesus was so filled up that when the enemy finally came to meet him, the enemy was no match for Jesus. I don’t think it took him forty days to defeat him. You can read that passage in a few minutes. The Master said: It Is Written-  In other words “ Don’t you know Who is speaking?  “ The enemy left Jesus defeated quickly.

 The enemy wants to destroy our lives, our health and everything we have. If we go on the offensive by healing the sick, raising the dead, setting the tormented free and help those in need , we are ready to minister to a world just like Jesus and the disciples were. The enemy is now getting scared of us!

Take care of that inner room of you. Guard your mouth, your thoughts , your actions, your feet. Walk in the light. Be Him and you will be no match for the enemy. Because you know Who you are.

Father, help us to live lives that are clean and open, to live lives that glorify your name, that others may see Your Son Jesus Christ in and through us. Help those that read this and have never forsaken their sins to see the way of blessing and let You dwell in their inner room. In Jesus Precious name! Amen!

Be blessed and walk in His light to light up the lives of others!


By EMN Updated: Aug 24, 2024 10:45:03 pm
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