Just Blame Individually - Eastern Mirror
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Just Blame Individually

By EMN Updated: Aug 24, 2024 10:32 pm

Corruption will persist until the earth is transformed into a new heaven and a new earth. In every good society, there will always be a black sheep, but we must not condemn the entire society.

No tribal organisation allows corruption; it is ultimately a personal choice. Yet, many of us shift the blame onto the entire tribe, creating greater division among ourselves. We must recognise our individual responsibilities and unite rather than fracture.

Don’t blame the government alone for corruption and poor development because you are also a part of it. The government is not just an entity separate from us; it is shaped by our actions, and no one holds permanent authority over it. For any corruption or poor development, blame the individuals responsible so that the sincere and honest are not unfairly blamed as well.

In the past, teachers were highly respected by society, but nowadays, they are frequently targeted for ridicule in public perception. The village community justifies the attendance of those teachers who genuinely fulfill their duties while failing to address the issue of those who rarely visit their schools and kept proxies. It is unfair to label all teachers as ineligible based on the actions of a few. When discussing educational outcomes, many claim that private schools perform much better than government schools; however, we often overlook the success of higher secondary schools, which have results that are significantly better than those of private schools. We should focus on specific issues rather than blame all teachers for the shortcomings of a few.

To blame or to praise is your choice; it is a reflection of your conscience. When you choose to praise someone, you naturally overlook their mistakes, focusing on their strengths. Conversely, if you decide to blame, you may find yourself eagerly waiting for their failures, ignoring the good they have done. Let us be mindful of our choices and strive to uplift rather than undermine. For instance, when you fall in love with someone, their tattered clothes or questionable character fade away; in your eyes, they are nothing short of beautiful. Yet, if you cannot accept a servant in your home, you may find yourself constantly scrutinising them for flaws, despite their unwavering loyalty and service. This contrast reveals how our perceptions shape our relationships and highlights the importance of kindness and acceptance.

In a world full of challenges, it’s important to be careful about how we judge others. Instead of blaming entire groups for the actions of a few, we should focus on individual responsibility and recognise the efforts of those who work hard and act with integrity. By praising the honest and holding accountable only those who deserve it, we can create a more positive community. Our attitudes matter, and when we choose to uplift rather than criticise, we help build a stronger, more united society. Ultimately, we have the power to shape our perceptions and relationships, leading to a more understanding and supportive environment for everyone.

Hoshika H. Sumi

By EMN Updated: Aug 24, 2024 10:32:06 pm
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