Truth Speakers For Truth Seekers - Eastern Mirror
Monday, September 16, 2024

Truth Speakers for Truth Seekers

By EMN Updated: Jul 28, 2024 12:00 am

Imago Dei- A beautiful term to learn and start saying to all your friends , families and those who need to hear this. . The meaning of this Latin phrase is : “Image of God”.

Some will totally agree, several will give you a doubtful look. Others will strongly disagree and argue if that is even possible.

According to the Bible we were created by a loving God, fearfully (respectfully), somehow wonderfully knit together. We were the crowning of all He created, meaning all else was created first so there would be a home with everything needed for men. But now 6000+ years later ( the scientifically proven age of the earth)  it is hard to imagine such a world even existed. Even harder to imagine is, if it could get back to that original stunning state after all the damage done to creation and mankind.

We could blame it on the first two people God created or we could take responsibility and say no matter what, let’s work with God to get it back to its’ original state. I would say there is plenty of man power and smart people on earth to get that done.

The problem lies that since the beginning there have always been those that choose God’s plan and those that choose the opposite.

So should we just give up? Couldn’t God have been smarter than that, then knowingly let men get to the state we are in?

Why was man created in the first place? There are different opinions about that but according to the Book (the Bible) which is the only one that Is life, we were created to

 1/ have dominion over His Creation

2/ to worship (love Him) and therefore all He created because He wanted to share all He was with a like minded being like Himself. He wanted sons, daughters, a family. He wanted people with the same heart beat as Him, the same goals, the same intentions, someone He could relate to on His level, different from angels and animals. So He choose to create men. A creature with an intelligent design, that could reason, think, create and make choices. There was one clause. It had to be a voluntarily choice of the person He created; to work with Him. That was a risk He took but He already planned it all out before hand and no matter what; the end was going to be as He wanted it. Which was, an even more beautiful world if they choose to mess it up with more beautiful loving people than He even originally created. Throughout those 6000+ years people either ignored God, fought against God or pretended He didn’t exist. Thankfully there were and there are still those who choose to be on His side and work With Him and others like them.

 Fortunately God is still creating people. Every baby born is proof that God did not give up on us. Every rainbow (those in the sky- the God made ones- not the earth fake ones- apparently 6 colours only) is proof God still thinks about us and has a good ending in mind.

But there are also those whose need to have a good look at their hands especially. Our bodies were so wonderfully made that now the only real proof that you are you is your finger print because it is unique. They need your biometrics because that too is simply yours, exclusive for you.

How come the world figured it out but not God’s people? How come we have those in this State, in this land who call themselves Christians but their hands can take instruments in their hands to get rid of what is “unwanted”. Instead of fighting to do everything to make sure that this God made person, has a chance to live life on this earth? According to those who allow that to their bodies  let me put it this way: It is or was an act of fear and cowardice. Not being able to face the consequences of what happened. Should it have happened in the first place?  You decided time is not convenient, your pocket does not match it, your career is more important, you could not help it? Those taking part in this, Stop. There is a solution. Once it happened and a baby is being formed, give it a chance. God loves that life you try to kill. You want that scar on your soul ?

Go over the words of this song and remember : You were beautifully and wonderfully made by a God who loved You. No one cut you off. So why would you?

Will you let it live?

May God help you to choose what He stands for: Life and use your hands to support life.

Before I was formed

I was loved and adored by a Father

Who knows me by name

You sewed me together

And buried Your treasure

Imago Dei

I’m fearfully, wonderfully made

Imago Dei

There is glory in all You create

Before my conception

My home was in heaven

And You breathed Your life in my lungs

Your perfect design

That You purposed in time

Wholly made in the image of God

I am made in the image of God

Oh what a miracle, fully intentional

All that You fashion, it is good

Isin’t it obvious, not a coincidence

Life is Your passion, it is good

Imago Dei

Imago Dei

There is glory in all You create (Song by Sean Feucht)

Gen 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Eph 1:4  -According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

With all respect


By EMN Updated: Jul 28, 2024 12:00:28 am
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