44th Republic Day Speech Of Honourable Ato Kilonser, Ino. Starson Lamkang - Eastern Mirror
Thursday, October 10, 2024

44th Republic Day Speech of Honourable Ato Kilonser, Ino. Starson Lamkang

By EMN Updated: Mar 21, 2024 11:55 pm

Greetings to all on this auspicious Republic Day. My revolutionary salute to Martyrs and all Naga Nationalists.

Our national movement has been salvaged time and again only through the grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

On the outset, I would like to remind all Nagas about how the adversaries have engineered divisions among us through their systematic divisive policies:

1. Six round talks (1966-1967) – NNC split to form RGN (1968) which surrendered and formed BSF battalion.

2. Shillong accord (1975) caused the condemnation of NNC and formation of NSCN/GPRN (1980-1981).

3. Indian Open-door policy (1987) caused the split of NSCN/GPRN into NSCN-IM and NSCN-K.


5. NNPG Working Committee (WC) – Agreed Position (2017) signed with the intent to split the political legitimacy to nearly 20+ factions.

Reflecting on all these accords and agreements, we can conclude that we the Nagas have been politically tricked into welcoming divisions among us by the hidden agenda of the adversaries continually trying to subdue our political rights.

Naga revolutionary movement was founded by our centrally located Nagas, and being the pioneers and

torchbearers of our political awakening as well as defenders of our political rights. Thus, following in your footsteps; Nagas from all corners of East, West, North and south heeding to the call for Naga National Movement joined the Movement. Jointly shouldering the struggles and responsibilities of defending our political rights; sheltering and protecting as and when situation was bad in central Naga areas. Therefore, once again I call upon our centrally located Nagas to lead us unitedly towards attaining our inherent political rights.

NSCN/GPRN is and will always be guided by the ideology of Naga Unity for Naga Political solution.

Unity and inclusivity is the only way out for attainment of our political aspirations.


By EMN Updated: Mar 21, 2024 11:55:29 pm
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