Dengue Signs, Symptoms And Prevention - Eastern Mirror
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Dengue Signs, Symptoms and Prevention

By EMN Updated: Nov 10, 2023 1:02 am

Dengue fever is a viral fever and commonly occurs in monsoon and post monsoon period. It is transmitted by aedes mosquitoes also called tiger mosquito which bite during day time. The incubation period ranges from 2-7 days. Up to 80% of all dengue infections are asymptomatic and only about 20% will show signs and symptoms and some may go into severe forms like Dengue Haemorrhagic fever and Dengue Shock Syndromes causing bleeding and drop in blood pressure.

Common symptoms

•             Sudden high fever.

•             Severe joint and muscle pains.

•             Severe headache.

•             Retro-orbital pain.

•             Skin rash.

•             Swollen lymph glands.

Symptoms of severe dengue

•             Abdomen pain and tenderness.

•             Vomiting blood or blood in stool.

•             Mild bleeding from nose and gums.

•             Fatigue, restlessness or irritability.


•             No vaccination can prevent all 4 serological types of dengue.

•             Dengue can only be avoided by preventing mosquito bites. Protect yourself to avoid infecting others. Use mosquito repellent, wear long-sleeved clothing, and use mosquito nets while sleeping.

•             Eliminate all mosquito breeding sites: All water storage containers should be covered. Remove/ destroy all disposable, unused materials lying in and around the house, like old tyres, broken pots, crockery etc.

Dengue fever dos and don’ts


1.            Rest: Get plenty of rest to help your body recover.

2.            Stay hydrated: Drink lots of fluids, even if you’re in bed. Hydration is crucial.

3.            Take fever medicine: Use simple fever medicine like paracetamol or acetaminophen.

4.            Consult a doctor: Seek medical help if you experience bleeding or bruising (from gums, nose, urine, or stool).

5.            Prevent mosquito bites: Protect yourself to avoid infecting others. Use mosquito repellent, wear long-sleeved clothing, and use mosquito nets while sleeping.

6.            Isolate yourself: Isolate and let your family monitor you closely.

7.            Eliminate stagnant water: Regularly check and remove stagnant water in your surroundings to prevent Aedes mosquito breeding.

8.            Drain excess water: Ensure plant pot plates don’t accumulate excess water.

9.            Secure windows and doors: Use wire mesh on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.

10.          Community awareness: Healthy individuals should also prevent mosquito bites in Dengue-prone areas.


1.            Avoid self-treatment: Do not self-medicate or consult unqualified individuals.

2.            Medication caution: avoid ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen sodium, as they may increase bleeding risk.

3.            Limit physical activity: Avoid strenuous physical activities.

4.            Oral care: If you have bleeding gums, use a mouthwash instead of brushing your teeth.

5.            Prevent breeding sites: Ensure materials outside your house don’t collect water during the rainy season.

6.            Mosquito timing: Avoid sitting outside during early mornings and late evenings when dengue-causing mosquitoes are active.

7.            Outbreak areas: Refrain from visiting areas with dengue outbreaks.

8.            Mosquito protection: When visiting a dengue patient, take measures to avoid mosquito bites.

9.            Steroids: Do not use steroids without a prescription; they are not recommended for uncomplicated cases.

10.          Fogging: Don’t rely solely on fogging, as it has side effects and doesn’t eliminate mosquito eggs and larvae.

11.          Dengue RDT: Be cautious with Dengue Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT); they can produce false positives. Confirm positive cases in sentinel site hospitals (Naga Hospital Kohima and Dimapur District Hospital). GOI and ICMR do not recommend the use of RDT for Dengue diagnosis.

(Issued in the interest of public health by NCVBDC, Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Kohima)

By EMN Updated: Nov 10, 2023 1:02:55 am
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