Brainwashed In Brampton: Khalistanis Target New Students From Punjab - Eastern Mirror
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Brainwashed in Brampton: Khalistanis target new students from Punjab

By IANS Updated: Mar 26, 2023 2:14 pm

Toronto: As Khalistani activists in Canada grab the headlines after the Amritpal Singh incident in Punjab, Ujjal Dosanjh, the former Premier of British Columbia, says, “They are playing a mindless game, with no purpose. It is just for gratification.”

Dosanjh, who was brutally attacked by Sikh radicals in Vancouver in 1986 at the height of terrorist violence in Punjab, says the Khalistan movement has no future.

“There was a demonstration by 25,000 in Vancouver in June 1984, but now just 100 people show up at Khalistani demonstrations,” says Dosanjh.

But many fear that the pro-Khalistani sentiment is rising in Canada.

“What did the promptness of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, MP Sonia Sidhu, and others in tweeting about the Punjab situation after Amritpal Singh’s arrest and ban on Internet services, say? It was done at the behest of radical votebanks,” says a Brampton Sikh entrepreneur, requesting anonymity.

He says the majority is silent because of the fear of reprisals.

“Nobody opens their mouth against the Khalistanis who enjoy political patronage. Any leader who says anything against them is banned from entering gurdwaras and joining Vaisakhi parades,” he says.

“When events such as the Amritpal Singh incident happen, Khalistan supporters bombard the offices of mayors, MPs, MPPs and ministers with messages, forcing them to issue hasty statements or tweet,” says an Indo-Canadian restaurant owner in Toronto.

The restaurant owner claims that the Khalistanis are luring and using new students from Punjab to further their agenda.

They brainwash these students while helping them with jobs, accommodation and food, he says.

“The students are being roped in for Khalistani demonstrations. In return for helping these students, the radicals ask the parents of these students in Punjab to help pro-Khalistan activists in the state,” says the Toronto restaurant owner.

Ritesh Malik, national convener of the Canada-India Foundation which has been targeted by radicals as being pro-RSS, blames the political appeasement for the rise of anti-Indian sentiment in Canada.

“Politicians must stop playing identity politics. A criminal is a criminal – not a Sikh or a Hindu or a Muslim. By supporting these elements, ministers and MPs are playing dangerous games and harming Canada which needs India more than ever now,” says Malik.

Brampton Punjabi journalist Balraj Deol also blames the Indian government for emboldening Khalistanis by deleting their names from the black lists. “The Modi government started this process in 2015 to win over the Khalistanis, but it was done without any thought. This action disheartened many moderates here who opposed the radicals. Today, we see the consequences of the Indian action,” he says.

India summons Canadian envoy over Khalistan protests, seeks explanation

India summons Canadian envoy

New Delhi: India has lodged a strong protest with the Canadian government and summoned the high commissioner over Khalistan protests outside the Indian missions and consulates over the last few days in that country.

The High Commissioner was summoned on Saturday.

“The High Commissioner of Canada was summoned yesterday to convey our strong concern about the actions of separatist and extremist elements against our diplomatic Mission and Consulates in Canada this week,” the Ministry for External Affairs said in a statement.

“The Government of India sought an explanation on how such elements were allowed, in the presence of police, to breach the security of our diplomatic Mission and Consulates,” it said further.

The Government of Canada was reminded of its obligations under the Vienna Convention, and asked to arrest and prosecute the individuals who have already been identified as being involved in such acts, the ministry’s statement said.

“It is expected that the Canadian Government will take all steps which are required to ensure the safety of our diplomats and security of our diplomatic premises so that they are able to fulfil their normal diplomatic functions,” the ministry has conveyed to the Canadian government.

Last Sunday, an event in Canada was cancelled due to security concerns after a violent protest by the Khalistan supporters.

It was organised to honour Sanjay Kumar Verma, the Indian envoy to Canada, while he was on his first visit to the west coast.

An Indian-origin journalist, who was at the event to cover the protest, was also reportedly assaulted by the radicals.

The protest came amid a massive crackdown on radical Sikh preacher Amritpal Singh and his associates in Punjab.

By IANS Updated: Mar 26, 2023 2:14:04 pm
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