Mother’s Day: Citizens Reflect On Mother’s Role And Share Messages - Eastern Mirror
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Mother’s Day: Citizens reflect on mother’s role and share messages

By Menuse-O Max Khieya Updated: May 09, 2021 10:33 pm
On Mother’s Day, a 96-year-old mother sits at her home in Kohima on Sunday. (EM Images) 

Our Correspondent
Kohima, May 9 (EMN):
The impact of the Covid-19 crisis has weighed heavily on women and celebration of Mother’s day with loved ones has taken a back seat for the second year as the pandemic rages on.

Nonetheless, citizens have shared messages commemorating another unique Mother’s Day this year.

Monica Braganza, a mother from Bangalore, while speaking to Eastern Mirror said despite the pandemic, one needs to be thankful for being alive. “We’re lucky to be alive and celebrating on Mother’s Day at home,” she said.

“So what if we can’t go out due to this pandemic? We can spend time with family and do some activities together,” Braganza said and also conveyed a message: “Celebrate each day as a special day and not only on Mother’s Day. Stay home and stay safe”.

For those without mothers, she said, “Mothers never really die; they always watch us from above. Happy Mother’s day in Heaven”.

“This pandemic had a really bad impact in our lives; nothing is normal,” said Atunuo Kuotsu, who is also from Bangalore. She shared how before the outbreak of Covid-19, people were “taking things lightly” with regard to their relationships.

Meanwhile, she shared that like her, those who have been away from home have been celebrating Mother’s Day only through greetings over the phone since the onset of pandemic.

Kuotsu said Mother’s Day is an occasion to show gratitude to moms for their pain, birth, sacrifices and struggles of motherhood. She reminded that from the pandemic, one must learn to appreciate life as “we don’t know whats ahead of us”.

“I will also like to appreciate and pray for all the beautiful souls (mothers),” she said while encouraging those without mothers to “be strong as your guardian angel is there to guide you always”.

“Being a single parent and working, pandemic has been overwhelming,” shared a mother from Kohima.

“It is difficult to balance home, online classes and office,” she said, adding that “It is also challenging to keep my son focused as he learns remotely.”

She also expressed her fear of being infected with Covid-19 and the anxiety of keeping her son safe. However, “On the positive side, the pandemic brought opportunity to spend quality time with my son,” she said.

Rev. Richard Fernandes, parish priest of St. Francis de Sales (SFS) parish in Kohima in his message reminded that a mother teaches her children to love others.

“The mother as a rule lives out the teachings of Jesus about love more consistently and more faithfully than any other person,” he said.

Francis Petekhriezo Kiewhuo, catechist of SFS parish, speaking to Eastern Mirror said despite the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic since last year, believers were more prepared spiritually to observe this year’s Mother’s Day and that the occasion had been “more meaningful” than the past year.

Kiewhuo said that the occasion reminds those who are without their mothers physically can always look to “Mother Mary, who has always been mother to us”.

While parishes within the containment in the state capital remained closed, those away from the demarcated areas gathered to celebrate Eucharist by observing SOPs.

Rev. Fr. Victor Renthungo, Bishop’s Secretary, Kohima, who was celebrating a mass at St. Andrews’ Church Jotsoma on the occasion, said that it was the second consecutive year that they were observing Mother’s Day amid Covid-19 pandemic.

However, he reminded that, “We are called upon to celebrate Mother’s Day every day so that we will love them”.

He also reflected on God’s love by way of expanding the word “MOTHER” and thanked all the mothers: “ M- thank you for being my Mom; O- thank you for your Opening and being obliging; T- thank you for your tender care and truthfulness; H- thank you for your humility and honest in being a mother; E- thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement towards the welfare of the family; R- thank you for the respect and being reasonable in your approach”.

By Menuse-O Max Khieya Updated: May 09, 2021 10:33:23 pm
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