Zhaleo Inaugurates Silk Spinning Unit At Medziphema - Eastern Mirror
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Zhaleo inaugurates silk spinning unit at Medziphema

By EMN Updated: Mar 11, 2021 10:14 pm
Zhaleo Rio
Zhaleo Rio addresses the gathering during the launch of a silk spinning unit at Medziphema on Thursday.

Dimapur, March 11 (EMN): Advisor of Sericulture, Excise and Minority Affairs, Zhaleo Rio inaugurated a silk spinning unit at Medziphema town on March 11 in the presence of government officials, leaders and farmers. The unit, which would be operated by Zeal self help group (SHG), was sponsored by the department of Sericulture.

Speaking as the special guest, Rio felicitated both the Sericulture department and Zeal SHG for successfully establishing the unit and urged the members to contribute their best in order to upgrade the unit at later stage. He stated that silkworm farmers in Medizphema sub-division would be greatly benefitted through the unit, an update from the NDPP 5 Ghaspani-II AC media secretary Thejangukho Yalietsu stated.

The advisor assured of further assistance as well as upgrading the unit if the farmers and the SHG could coordinate to make the unit a progressive and productive centre. While requesting the department to provide quality seeds for plantation and also give good price for eri produce like cocoons, he urged the farmers to begin the ground works by clearing fields and avail maximum benefits during peak season.

Hinting that the government alone could never employ every individual, Zhaleo Rio reiterated that private sectors are a boon for employment and cited that silkworm rearing is one alternative where “the whole family can work together at home with ease.” Stating that it takes only 15-30 days for the cocoon to mature depending on season, Rio said it was an excellent source to earn extra income which could be started as a hobby or part-time job by anyone.

While noting that silkworm rearing has other value addition apart from production of silk, Rio said silkworm pickles could be stored for later consumption while the oil extracted from Castor seeds has medicinal uses.

He castigated the casual attitude of some beneficiaries who take government schemes without implementing them. He expressed disappointment to note that the assistance provided by the Sericulture department for building eri-rearing shades or rooms are subsequently occupied by farmers. He, therefore, urged farmers to keep working with sincerity and assured that “the government will step in and extend all possible help at the right time.”

The invocation prayer was said by Yashimeren, joint director of Sericulture, while the technical information was presented by Alemkumzuk, deputy director of Sericulture. A leader of Zeal SHG Megozomeü Khate delivered a brief speech while Mhianizoto Meyase, DSO, Dimapur, delivered the vote of thanks.

Deputy Director of Sericulture Vikehielie Pienyü, who also chaired the programme, has acknowledged the advisor for his selfless contribution towards bringing more developmental programmes and projects for farmers.

By EMN Updated: Mar 11, 2021 10:14:36 pm
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